E-Watchman says subliminal images in the Watchtower are real

by truthseeker 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • zack

    The actual images are horrific enough. Destruction of children, horror on a global scale, collapsing structures, thunderbolts zapping humans from the sky. They aren't subliminal

    to me, they are obvious.

    As for E-Watchman, I beleive the poor man has left a delusion of another's making to one of his own making.


  • truthsearcher

    ewatchman says: "my personal conclusion is that they are real and that the Watchtower Society has probably been infiltrated by a secret coven of Devil worshippers"

    Have there been any cloaks discovered by the housekeeping girls? or unexplained disappearances of pets in Brooklyn?

    But if his conclusion is true, then it pretty well discredits the organization from being directed by the holy spirit. If you read the Bible, Jehovah knew who was dabbling and exposed them openly. Plus Israel didn't exactly try to hide its false worship...

  • AllTimeJeff


    Imo, the biggest problem at bethel with a bunch of horny guys in their late teens to early 20's is homosexuality. It is a repressed enviorenment. Their lives are so laid out for them that there isn't anything anyone can do most days of the week other then to collapse from sheer exhaustion. And of course, their are no pets allowed at all. Not even a parakeet. (maybe they would make an exception for hamsters... lol!)

    OOOOOPS!!! I will leave my embarassing reply as I was obviously in literal mode when I read that... Sorry... No, they haven't found evidence of animal sacrifices... yet... I didn't read that the way you meant that.. Sorry!

  • Fangorn

    wow, e-watchman, he's a really credible source.

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