Thank you Lady Liberty. That one's a keeper.
See Awakes critical view of doctorine change in OTHER faiths! HYPOCRITES!!!
by Lady Liberty 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
This article always struck me as a tad hypocritical too :-
onPaganFoundations"AMONG the many impressive monuments that are visited by tourists to Rome, Italy, is the Pantheon. This masterpiece of Roman architecture is one of the few buildings there that remain substantially as they were in ancient times. Begun by Agrippa in about 27 B.C.E., it was rebuilt by Hadrian about 120 C.E. One remarkable feature of this structure is its huge 142-foot [43m]-diameter dome, surpassed in width only in modern times. The Pantheon was originally a pagan temple, a "place for all gods," which is the meaning of the original Greek word. Today, it is still considered a Roman Catholic church. How was such a surprising transformation possible?........................................................................
................... It ought to be obvious, however, that changing the dedication of a temple or the name of a celebration is not sufficient to transform the ‘worship of devils into the service of the true God.’ "What agreement does God’s temple have with idols?" asked the apostle Paul. "‘Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’; ‘and I will take you in.’ ‘And I shall be a father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah the Almighty."—2 Corinthians 6:16-18.
10/15p.27Pictureonpage 27]"This building, which was a synagogue, was purchased and renovated into a Kingdom Hall"
In fact it is not uncommon for old churches to be made into Kingdom Halls. There is no fight to obtain 'Change of use consent' from the Local Authority
Download the entire Awake issue here: Awake-1970-April-22-pp.1-32 Click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down to the bottom and look to your left. Your download link will appear under these words, Download Description: Education. Cheers! Atlantis-
Lady Liberty
Dear BluesBrother,
THANK YOU for that article!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I haven't read this before!! Such hypocrites!! I made a copy for my file..thank you!!!
Lady Liberty
Fortunately, for those who have the WT Library on CD, you won't need to do any downloading -- you already have the entire article. The year 1970 happens to be the earliest available on my 2005 issue.
Like all articles there, however, there are no graphics.
Bawwww-Hawwwww!!!!...that's terrific.
Nice article, would anyone happen to have the French version of that article??? Thanks... Lapuce
Lady Liberty
I'm so thankful for these posts. Seeing the hypocrisy of the organization in such a blatant form validates my intuition which told me to get out in the first place. Thanks again!