On our way to PA!!!

by AuldSoul 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul

    Ice and snow flurries most of the way there, and bitterly cold ... but we are thrilled.

    A bad day today thanks to my father. Thanks, Dad! Your prayer didn't work. We got the job. Jehovah must hate you. You prayed out of harmony with his will. He must love me, 'cause my prayer was in harmony with his will.

    BTW, in case my dad reads this: FU. We had a set of keys for over 7 years while we were in Ohio and you didn't ask for them back. You are vindictive and petty and you are causing my wife to question herself for reasons other than I had hoped for. I have been supportive of her and helped her find the local congregation/get to the KH while we were visiting there the first time.

    I want her to leave, but only after she decides the doctrine is unscriptural and contrary to anything like Christianity. YOU are getting her to question on the basis of conflict between her emotions and her mind. You have behaved like an utter ass.

    We will have a great life, with or without you. If you wish to have my wife as a part of your life, you'd better straighten up. I won't subject my wife to you as you have been the last few days.

    For the forum: Wheeeeeeeeee! We're on our WAYYYYYY!!!!



    That's great...wish you all the best! Look forward to your updates!


  • Sparkplug

    I wish you and yours all of the best, auldsoul. May your journey be a safe and prosperous one. Decki

  • Confession

    Super-freaking-fantabulous, Auld Soul!!! I know you've been geeked about this for some time, and now it's happened! It sounds like an ideal situation--and the higher educational benefits are like a fairy tale come true. I hope this experience and the environment has a positive and eye-opening effect on your wife.



  • Gregor

    Auld, I'm very happy for you. What an adventure! I believe you mentioned before that you will be near Harrisburg, PA? I am familiar with that part of the state and it is beautiful there. It's the old mans loss, too bad.

  • lowden

    Good Luck A.S.

    I hope it works out positively for you and yours.

    Continue to rock the boat.



  • juni

    Congratulations AuldSoul!

    I wish you and your wife the very best!


  • Faded4SoFar

    Be safe. Happy for you lil brother.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    I am assuming you are moving to PA.
    It is a beautiful state. You will
    like it.

    Wish you the best Brandon.


    The Wanderer

  • kid-A

    Congrats Brandon!

    You will love Pennsylvania. I lived there for 3 years and got to explore most of the state. Watch out for highways 30 and 79, speed-traps everywhere!!! LOL.....

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