How many of you found that the 'deeper' your comments at the WT or bookstudy, the less the conductor called on you?
commenting at meetings
by darth frosty 8 Replies latest jw friends
As a former conductor, I enjoyed the deeper comments. I would have
to call those people earlier in the meeting because of time constraints.
If their hand is overlooked in the last part of the meeting, it could very
well be so that more commentors have a chance to comment.You have to understand that participation is very important in a
mind-control cult. You can't let one deep thinker hog all the comments. -
Actually, I found that people who rambled on for 2 minutes or more, were lucky if they got called on once.
If someone is giving a "deep" comment, they probably had the intelligence to make it brief and make the point.
People who made deep points that had little or nothing to do with the topic, irritated me. People who rambled and repeated the point 3 or 4 times, irritated me. People who read 2 paragraphs from the Insight book irritated me.
But then people who read the paragraph from the WT as their answer, irritated me. Little children who read from the paragraph and obviously had not clue what the words meant, saddened me. Children being prompted to say Jesus and "Jehovah" who did not know what the question meant, saddened me.
Conductors that had 15 different children answer during a WT study but then had no time to cover the last 4 paragraphs. Never a comment about a scripture...that bugged me too.
Conductors that would never call on children, and only their "intellectual" friends, bugged me.
Glad I don't go any more.
Oftentimes those who comment on deep levels are boring bastards anyway in everyday life. If a deep thinker/commenter has an attractive personality, it's more tolerable to the conductor.
attractive = has lots of moola or WTS influence
A great commentor is someone who has you hanging on every word and it usually is brief and to the point. Jesus is such a person. A rambler is a person who thinks that are great and they are; only in their own mind. The love to hear themselves talk.
1 Cor 8:1b,2 But while knowledge makes us feel important, it is love that strengthens the church. 2 Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much
This kind of thread bugs me. It just serves as an excuse to pick on people with a Watchtower theme.
No one has any records of the number of times they raised their hands and how many times they were called on. It's all very intuitive and therefore influenced by paranoid (they won't call on me because they hate me for - being poor, too smart, too dumb, ugly, too good looking) or narcisistic (they wouldn't call on moi) attitudes.
I think you will find whatever you're looking for on this one.
I actually miss the setting of the bookstudy. Has anyone found a group that filled that void?
I gave a comment about 2 years ago at the bookstudy regarding Jehovah and his co-Creator Jesus. EVERYONE shook there head "NO!" and said that I was wrong. I thought to myself, "I learned that right here in this very KH!!!!!"
They shook their head "NO" because that answer was not the verbatum, regirgitated thought from the paragraph.
I held up my hand after several commented as to how wrong I was and I read the scripture, "Let US create man in OUR image" and added that I was simply commenting on the TRUTH of Jehovah's inspired Word in the Bible but recognized the society's comment that ultimately it was Jehovah's power who created all things.
These people couldn't think outside the box for even a moment.