Need Help: A good Greek New Testament?

by lovelylil 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Hi Friends,

    I am taking a short course to learn New Testament Greek and I need my own copy of a Greek New Testament. I thought I could use the KIT book from the WT but Bible Scholars say there are too many errors in it. Can someone recomend a well translated copy? Thanks. Lilly

  • onacruse

    You might want to check out

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Are you taking a college or online course? I ask, because the teacher (either way) would probably recommend a good one for you.

    I know at the Christian store I used to frequent I saw some, however I wouldn't know what "good" ones are out there.

    Keep us posted on your progress. This was something I thought about doing, but it is such an undertaking I didn't do it.

    Good luck.

  • Leolaia

    The online text at such sites as, however, has errors of its own:

  • lovelylil

    Thanks guys.

    It is an online course and they really do not recomend any one translation. The online translations are fine but I really want my own copy in book form. when I leave the house I can bring it and don't have to worry about copying pages all the time. I usually pick my kids up from school and will arrive early and study in the car. Also, I love Books, the hard copies. I like to put my fingers thru the actual pages. I've had this love of books since I was a kid. Lilly

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Do you have a Christian bookstore by you or a Borders? You can spend some time looking through the books there and then go back online at Amazon and see if you can get a better deal.

  • TD


    Are you after an Interlinear or a straight GNT? With some professors, being caught with an interlinear in class is pretty high on the list of cardinal sins. Others require it --Go figure.

    If you want a good GNT, you could purchase the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece from the American Bible Society.

    It's a little pricey even in paperback, but worth it if you plan on pursuing this endeavor

    IF you want an Interlinear, the KIT is not as bad as is commonly claimed here and elsewhere and you could do much worse. (Like the god-awful CLT for example) But if you want a translation more sympathetic to evangelical theology, you can get an NIV Iinterlinear from Amazon in a variety of bindings

  • lovelylil


    Thanks for the information. I do plan on persuing this more in the future. I am taking a beginners course but want to study Biblical Greek more later on, on the college level. I thought I could use the KIT book for the beginning class but it is not allowed. Like you said, a cardinal sin! Also I was told the KIT book by the WT is a terrible translation because it contains many errors. I don't know how true this is. I used the KIT book to show that the WT changed many texts in the NWT and I thought is was a pretty good translation. But many I have spoken to about it cringe with digust and told me to throw the book in the trash.

    I'll check out your recomendation. Lilly

  • Leolaia

    lilly...The translation that is used in the KIT is the NWT. Naturally, that is the focus of the criticism. The glosses in the interlinear however are not based on the NWT. That is why the book is often used to point out differences between the two (such as the absence of "Jehovah" in the Greek text, or for showing that phrases like "take in knowledge" and "exercise faith" correspond to "know" and "believe" in the glosses of the Greek).

  • Morocco

    There is an interlinear greek/hebrew bible you can download online. It's a small program with somewhat of a learning curve. It's free and I use it a lot. I know it isn't a physical book -- but you may like it anyways. For being free it's quite a helpful resource.

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