The anonymous writers of the two-volume "Inspired" books have evidently spent a great deal of time and mathematical effort to work the problem out.
Given that 6M will survive into the new system, and giving them 100 years to get familiar with their surroundings and have lots of babies, the population should more than double by the end of the first century. Now if we recreate the dead at a simple rate of just 3% of the total living population, leaving 33 people to 'reducate' each one brought back, it would take just 300 years to bring back every one of the 20B who ever lived.
There are just some teenzy weenzy problems that our heroes have neglected to consider:
1 The most incorrigible, brought back to "life" at the end of the recreation program, because they would need to have a well regulated and ordered society to receive them, will in fact be the very ones who are treated unfairly. Needing the maximum time to rehabilitate, they will be robbed of at least 400 years of the millennium. The survivors into this well ordered universe, will have had the benefit of the full 1000 years, and thes guys, the one most needing this full time period, will get only 60% of the millenium. How fair is that?
2 Then there is the question, as old as the first human being, of boys being boys and girls being girls. Suppose you get this living girl falling in love with this real stud of a resurrected fellow, and they want to marry, which is the right of all people who love each other. But they cannot. It is Verboten. Because the resurrected don't marry. So - What? Will they wear some sort of yellow star or something? You will still have the same old social tensions of this old system, of at least two groups in society. The "ressies" and the "lifers" Seperated foever.
3 According to the "Inspired" book, there will be plenty of room for all the 20B who be cloned back to life. Take the vast arid regions of the world and re-irrigate them and with these you will have beautiful garden-like estates for all. The problem is How? To re-irrigate these vast territories [like the Sahara] will require the building of dams, thus needing the creation of cement factories, electrical manufacturing, chemical depots, skilled labour, etc. Imagine the skies becoming polluted all over again.
4 Clothing everyone will be a problem as well. Ever notice the well cut Saville Row pants and crisp starched shirts worn by the vacuous models displayed on the back covers of the WTs showing off the benefits of living in this new system? Notice the well tailored gowns and brightly coloured dresses worn by the equally vacuous females? With their zips and buttons? Manufacturing something as simple as a zip or a button requires a complex network of manufacturing and disribution, not to mention items such as management, and marketting. And you still expect the skies to be pristine blue?
Sorry chumps. You cant have it both ways. Either you live in a pristine enviornment with everyone running around in fig leaves [Imagine what thats going to do to all that free flowing testarone of the lusty lads and lasses], or you have a reproduction of this same old good old world of today.