Mt 24:14 fulfilled - response from dubs and CO

by mavie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • mavie

    I was talking to a current JW about this issue. I asked if they had heard about Mt 24:14 being fulfilled, to which they replied 'no'. However, they then went on to say the C.O. had told them that the WT has said that scripture had been fulfilled a long time ago, which they did....

    I then asked, 'so you *have* heard about Mt 24:14 being fulfilled since your CO is talking about it....'well, ya'.(!!)

    I dropped the subject after that response. Why can't people connect the dots?

  • inlove2

    I think I was talking about it with my husband a few weeks ago and he felt that it had not happened. But then I think I heard one of the Elders (maybe OC) mention it in a talk, in reguards to 3rd world countries, so I really don't know what they are saying.


  • bigmouth

    Naturally, WT damage control has flown into motion. The internet is evil so very few will hear the audio of this talk. By now all the good dubs will be saying that apostates have made the recording!

  • zack

    I haven't heard a word about it from anyone I know. We have not had our SAD yet, however. It is interesting, though, that Paul

    wrote that the good news had been preached "in all Creation under Heaven" 2,000 years ago. So, why not take Paul at his word? Why

    persist in and insist on everything else he wrote but choose not to take him literally in that instance? It seems he was writing that line

    with the words of Jesus in mind.

  • thecarpenter

    I got a interesting email concerning that talk part, it seems to be circulating around the internet jw circles. What has been interesting is the responds some teenagers are making, they don't seem to accept it wholesouled.

  • metaspy

    There is much buzz about this recording going around in the JWs.
    Someone said to my physical brother - if you haven't heard about it yet, you will soon.
    I asked him if he knew the speaker (he does) and he hasn't told me anything else. (except it was just someone running their mouth)
    Some have even called Bethel to ask if it is true.

  • Amnesty Vendor
    Amnesty Vendor

    WTS damage control has now kicked in, slapped the speaker's hand and will now keep quiet until everything dies down. The faithful JWs that I know are now saying that apostates are probably behind it all. I even heard a 'sister' say that apostates are behind the whole UN debacle. 'The evil slave got onto the UN website and posted this anti-witness info.' I wish that I was kidding about this kind of reasoning, but the fact is that there is absolutely no way to reason with witnesses if they don't want to see the TRUTH. The sad thing is that I was exactly like that for most of my life!

  • Amnesty Vendor
    Amnesty Vendor

    WTS damage control has now kicked in, slapped the speaker's hand and will now keep quiet until everything dies down.

    The faithful JWs that I know are now saying that apostates are probably behind it all.

    I even heard a 'sister' say that apostates are behind the whole UN debacle.
    'The evil slave got onto the UN website and posted this anti-witness info.'

    I wish that I was kidding about this kind of reasoning, but the fact is that there is absolutely no way to reason with witnesses if they don't want to see the TRUTH.

    The sad thing is that I was exactly like that for most of my life!

  • ErEf

    compare that with the number of countries in the WT of 1/1, obvious...

  • Marcel

    hi there! what are you talking about? audio? im from europe and dont know anything about it. can someone post a link or something? TY! Marcel

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