Think about it...if only the KIDS of baptized members are getting baptized all we have to do is SIT BACK AND WAIT and the Organization will cease to exist on its own! The numbers of "young ones" splitting from the cult and never looking back are greatly increasing so you can COUNT OUT their offspring ever becoming members. The ones that STAY and STICK and are LOYAL wont be "having children in this time of the end" very much...and the chances of those offsprings offspring sticking are remote as well.
So...if you deprive a fire of oxygen. It goes OUT.
POOF. No more cult.
The Governing Body will die off...the New Guard cant get members out of the rocks and they sure as hell cant get MONEY out of the old unschooled untrained poor membership, so it will collapse in on itself. It's inevitable. The only growth is in third world and poor countries so who is going to pay for all that expensive real estate in New York?
Hm...just made myself feel reeeeeeeally good. I hope my theory is correct.