JW Membership will Self Destruct in...5...4...3...2...

by LovesDubs 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    Think about it...if only the KIDS of baptized members are getting baptized all we have to do is SIT BACK AND WAIT and the Organization will cease to exist on its own! The numbers of "young ones" splitting from the cult and never looking back are greatly increasing so you can COUNT OUT their offspring ever becoming members. The ones that STAY and STICK and are LOYAL wont be "having children in this time of the end" very much...and the chances of those offsprings offspring sticking are remote as well.

    So...if you deprive a fire of oxygen. It goes OUT.

    POOF. No more cult.

    The Governing Body will die off...the New Guard cant get members out of the rocks and they sure as hell cant get MONEY out of the old unschooled untrained poor membership, so it will collapse in on itself. It's inevitable. The only growth is in third world and poor countries so who is going to pay for all that expensive real estate in New York?

    Hm...just made myself feel reeeeeeeally good. I hope my theory is correct.

  • Gill

    Certainly, LovesDubs, it is happening already.

    As Dansk said in another thread, 'The Watchtower is dead. It just doesn't know it yet.'

    In another twenty to thirty years, the WTBTS will probably be in no better state than old Babylon.....crumbled and being blown away by the wind. I doubt very much that it will disappear within the next ten to fifteen years, but don't give it much longer than another thirty at the most.

    Knowledge and information has alway been the greatest enemy of the WTBTS. The internet is available to just about everyone in the western world and eventually other parts of the world will follow. Since the WTBTS is based in the west and the wealthier parts of the world, as soon as it loses its financial backing its days are over.

  • Amazing

    Lovesdubs: Amen!


    "In another twenty to thirty years, the WTBTS will probably be in no better state than old Babylon ... "

    You can exclude the Catholic and Orthodox Churches from "old Babylon" as they have survived nearly 2,000 years and will be here long after this generation turns to dust.

  • OnTheWayOut
    POOF. No more cult.

    I agree, but the POOF could be an entire generation or more.

    They still have 6.5 million baptized members. They are still having millions
    of babies over the next few years. Some will join. Some new outside
    recruits will join. They will fade- as they are already doing for the most part.

    Also, they could come out with more "new light" that gets a firmer hold on
    their members and their children. If they can convince people that Armageddon
    really is in the near future, they might be able to put the rank and file into
    virtually irreversible situations. Their lives can be so tangled in commitment to
    the end time that they are afraid to pull out when it delays, AGAIN.

    While you and I cannot easily see how they would suck people in that deep, we
    can try to imagine doctrine that causes people to give up income and have their
    livelihoods within the circle of JW's. There are already plenty of window washers
    and floor cleaners that depend on the "brothers." Imagine the WTS switching to a
    tax-paying sales group that gets it's members to live at the compound because
    Armageddon is imminent. They would lose millions of people, but perhaps they
    could arrive at this point in some calculated method that minimizes losses.
    Elevate the fear factor, first. Cash in on the next major disaster/terror act.

    The only growth is in third world and poor countries so who is going to pay for all that
    expensive real estate in New York?

    They will probably sell the land, move to another country eventually. I can imagine
    them keeping some property in Brooklyn as a compound. Kingdom Halls could
    become communes, also. After all, the groups will be smaller.

  • Gill

    Amazing - I mean the old literal city of Babylon, at least until Saddam started to rebuild it.

  • SirNose586
    Imagine the WTS switching to a
    tax-paying sales group that gets it's members to live at the compound because
    Armageddon is imminent. They would lose millions of people, but perhaps they
    could arrive at this point in some calculated method that minimizes losses.
    Elevate the fear factor, first. Cash in on the next major disaster/terror act.

    Compounds, eh? Maybe they could be called "Kingdom Survival Communities?" I could see it now. Brothers being called on to remote areas of the country to build extensive compounds. Stirring talks about the need to run to "Jehovah's Organization" as the next big terror act (nuking Iran, Israel, etc) means that Armageddon is "here staring us in the face."

    I can imagine what they might say..."Not everyone will be able to move to these places, but oh, how much better it would be to be inside Jehovah's 'saving ark of organization' as the end approaches!"

    "Therefore brothers, make it your utmost matter of prayer to ask for help in arranging your circumstances to be able to survive these final days of this tired, old system of things inside the walls of Jehovah's strong tower. May Jehovah bless you for your righteous conduct, now and forever!!"

    *thunderous applause*

  • owenfieldreams

    I don't see them 'self-destructing', but I DO see them continuing to experience statistical nongrowth and even contraction in the US, Japan, and Europe. They're sitting on a goldmine in NYC, and money IS still flowing into their treasury. As the GB dies off, I predict 'new light' will emerge saying something to the effect that GB members no longer have to be of the anointed, thus the baton can be passed and a smooth transition can be made to the current top lieutenants in Brooklyn. it's coming, you'll see...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Sir Nose has a good imagination. This is a possible reality as the WTS
    begins it's collapse. Putting it on the heels of a nuclear incident might
    help other posters to see that it could happen.

    If you are so sure that "A" is imminent, and you move to the compounds,
    then "A" is delayed, you don't see a way out so you stay.

  • LovesDubs

    Yeah there are 6.5 million members...which I dare say in itself is a stretch as they count my HUSBAND as one of them and hes as inactive as you can be and still be breathing LOL!

    Then I look at how many of those 6.5 million members are WOMEN? Most of em are. How many of them are SINGLE women or women with kids from prior marriages? Lots of em are. Since the number of people coming in is coming down, the number who are dying OFF is increasing in comparison. Therefore the average age of the organization as a whole is increasing, and their reproductive powers decreasing with every year. Im so not an expert but I would wager the cult is getting OLD.

    So if it takes a generation...that works for me too. By the time I die, God willing, a few decades from now...I will die happy seeing them dissolving into the history books with the other life destroying cults.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Im so not an expert but I would wager the cult is getting OLD.

    So if it takes a generation...that works for me too. By the time I die, God willing, a few decades
    from now...I will die happy seeing them dissolving into the history books with the other life destroying cults.

    I can imagine the same outcome. I just want to rescue my loved ones sooner than later.

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