Why is Europe more liberal then the United States?

by free2beme 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe
    Apparently being liberal does not lead to an economic power house, but it does lead to a lot of hatred of the United States in these countries.

    I've heard sentiments like these in so many threads. Until you stop thinking like that you wont even begin to be able to seriously contemplate this issue, for all the reasons identified above.

    It screams the word "ignorance", but what the heck, you're surrounded by half a billion people who generally think the same thing, so y'all must be right, huh?

    (hyperbole intentional to reverse-illustrate the point)

  • OnTheWayOut
    OnTheWayOut : ... ... never thougt about it totally that way (it's like you've got the whole picture)

    I am a travelor. I wanted to know why the world hates Americans. It's mostly that smug
    attitude that "Americans are better, and since we are a superpower, you all ought to learn
    English for the American tourists." I wanted to know what caused that. Also, I wanted
    to know why most ethnic Americans, especially those that speak another language, are
    not as bad.

    I gave my answer alot of thought years ago. Even poor white trailer-trash in USA think they
    are better than foreigners, and better than most ethnic Americans. This had to be set into
    the culture from early on.

    I had a foreman (white, low education) who said that his best worker (Mexican) was stupid, but
    hard working. I asked the foreman if he spoke Spanish. NO. "That guy speaks Spanish and
    English, he's twice as smart as you- and he never went to college, just like you. If he ever has the
    opportunity to learn your job, they won't need you." The foreman hated my saying that. I just wanted
    to know why he thought the guy was stupid. It was just because he was from a "poor" background and
    different culture. The guy was poor because he was born in Mexico, had to get to the US with nothing.
    It takes generations to build wealth or even pass on normal opportunities to your family. Blacks have
    not had too many generations of opportunity to pass on property, cash, education- so they are
    behind in USA. In Europe, there are more poor people, and the cultures have had similar opportunities.
    In Mexico or China, there were very little opportunities- still limited.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    The Germans - Because you helped us win the war.

    The British - Because we needed you to help us win the war.

    Shhh...Don't mention the War!!


  • Bstndance

    I agree with the person from New Zealand (I forgot your nickname) who said that people in America are in their own little world. When you have a country as vast and diverse as the USA, you have a lot going on within your borders and people tend not to pay attention to what's happening outside.

    I think the media does play a huge role in playing up the differences and the polarization between people here in the US (liberals v. conservatives) and outside (rest of the world v. USA). However, the media revolves around conflict. I believe the old news saying is: If it bleeds it leads! No one wants to watch a news story on the village of happy people unless there was a secret coverup about their happiness.

    I do think that most of the people on this board are a little more enlightened than the average world citizen. We researched our way out of the borg, I'm sure we all research other topics as well.

    I wish people were a little less ignorant to the outside world in this country. I'm leaving on vacation to Buenos Aires soon and you wouldn't believe how many times people have asked if I was getting excited about visiting BRAZIL!!!! AAHH!! And when I correct them they usually say "close enough". Mon dieu!

    (I started every paragraph with "I"!! Now that's American :-) )

  • bigmouth

    Kwin, from our point of view Canadians are more like us and Australians are more like Americans. Although I have to say most Kiwis couldn't spot a Canadian accent from an American accent. On the other hand most of us could tell if an Englishman came from Liverpool or Newcastle.

  • jaguarbass

    Liberals and conservatives. These are very confusing topics to Americans. Bill Clinton most likely would have been placed on the liberal side. I see him as a conservative. He balanced our budget, he gave us 8 years of economic prosperity. The stock market will attest to that.He is the only president in my lifetime to balance the budget that I am a ware of. Bush would be considered by many a conservative. I see him as a left wing radical neonazi liberal. And a financial liberal with the tax payers money. People with money in America have no faith in him. The stock market will attest to that. The stock market has been flat dead during his tenure and he has incured debt for America that our great grand children will not be able to pay off. So you must be talking about sexual inclinations and sexual activity? Probably Bush would be sexually liberal if he could I dont think he can. When you go down the white line highway and cook that stuf up and smoke it the equipment doesnt work. But a little mariquana and your making love not war. Especially if you dont inhale. When you dont kill people and tear things up people with money like you.


    Here is a graph of the american stock market which is a emotional measure of people with moneys faith in the president and financial policies of the USA. People with money dont like George Bush. I think hes a liberal. At least an economic financial liberal.But a sexual conservative.

  • MinisterAmos

    I reckon I would require you to post your definition of "liberal" before I could answer that.

    The first thing that popped into my mind was Germany; liberal? I think not! Switzerland? I found the place so conservative and stifling that it still amazes me.

    If you're talking about dope, hookers, nude beaches and socialized medicine "liberalism" well yeah they got that in Europe, but they also have Serbs and Croats.

  • Rooster
    Americans generally feel that whites and English-speakers are more intelligent than

    Well aren't they?

  • flyphisher

    Some people outside of the United States are judging the book (= the american nation) only by looking at the cover (= the GWB-administration). That`s a very big fault.


  • mia_b


    The Spanish - Because they'd like the Caribbean back

    Um fifi40, WE own the carabbean theyr'e part of the british commonwealth, head of state is the Queen and they're policed by bristish police, surely that means that the spanish should hate us intead? lmao

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