Who are the real heroes of society?
Are they not the people who are doctors and nurses and teachers and firemen and policemen and counselors and humanitarians?
Because of the Watchtower Organization, we are missing generations of those kinds of heroes who will NOT exist (but could have) because Jehovah's Witnesses destroyed them by convincing millions of it's members those professions are meaningless and unimportant for them to pursue. In effect, the GB strangles the surgeon and the scientist in the crib by destroying the dream of being more than an amateur salesman.
Generation after generation of productive human beings continue to be destroyed.
The horror of Jehovah's Organization is that it churns out deliberately ignorant people of no use to themselves, their families or mankind.
What is such a person capable of except Kamikaze ethics?
I accuse them of no longer being human!
On purpose.