Bethel is to some Witnesses what the Temple in Jerusalem was to a Jew. It's the holy place, the residence of the High Priest. It's the sun, the place that emits light. It's also the source, the alter where sacrifices are made and live babies are offered to the god Jehovah.
What's the BIG deal with Bethel?
by onlycurious 24 Replies latest jw friends
I went to visit Bethel about 5-6 years ago and had lunch there too (VIP you see not everyone gets to have lunch). What I noted was that there is a class system of sorts. Cleaners are the lowest, if you have a pager on your belt you are higher up, and so on. What i did note was that those pictures you get in the publications are hanging on the wall on the Personnel floor, but what was amazing was that the picture of Jesus (supposedly) was behind the glass doors of the HR office like some sort of alter, plants and the like around the painting which was on an easel. Now I am pretty sure that as Bethelites walked past there was a perceptable (just) change in their walk as they passed by, like Church goers might cross themselves or nod at the alter. There was a sort of reverence around the place.
having 'served' at bethel during the late eighties, i can attest to the fact that there definitely is a class or "caste" system there. heck, you're not even considered a real part of the 'family' until you've been there at least five years, that was one of the first things that was beat into my head once i arrived. also, almost everything is done on a seniority basis--whenever a 'room bid' would come up, someone with more seniority than you could 'take away' your room without any challenge or recourse. Even though its true the 'heavyweights' and their wives didn't draw any official salary or benefits, they do get lots of gifts and money, private junkets to exotic places disguised as "assembly parts and talks", and the best seats at gilead graduation, invites to special occasions like the annual meeting, etc. etc. About the only benefit that I DID see that most all bethelites did receive was the attention that you got from people in your congregation.
Bethel is the home of the governing body and the governing body is the JW's main IDOL. By extension Bethel (the building itself) is also an IDOL. Mecca would be another name for it. Lilly
onlycurious asked:
When one 'serves' at Bethel, is this without pay? Is this like a missionary headquarters or something? It this where all the literature is printed and all the decisions are made?
Also, is it encouraged for people to go and is there some sort of mighty tour?
Each member of Bethel receives a little stipend I believe under $20.00 a month at least it used to be. Probably not enough to cover subway charges.
Most all of their "business" has been moved to Patterson, NY.
When I was in ~~1970-1992 they always said that everyone should visit Bethel at least once. They used to have a tour package put out by a brother who was in that business.
When we visited in 1972, it was a much smaller set up. Now it's grown in magnitude. They have a lot of property in Manhattan and the Patterson location is unbelievable!
My wife wanted to go to visit Bethel in 1982.( We almost sent in papers back in the 70's to volunteer for the construction crew.)- We left home and about 2 hours later after we went through the Chesapeake bay bridge tunnel I was feeling ill and convinced my wife that the exhaust fumes in the tunnel had made me sick. I promised to take her again in a few days when I felt better. I just never got over that sick feeling whenever I thought about a Bethel trip . It took me six more years before I got sick enough to leave for good!
When I was there in the late eighties, the monthly stipend was $80.00. From what I understand, it has gone up since then.
Is Bethel kind of like Mecca?
Kind of like a Mecca with a Mark Twainn twist. Was it Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn where they had to give up their apple to paint the fence. They get to go to Bethel and work practically for free. In the 70's I heard they got enough money to buy tooth paste. It was like 15$ a month.
A pilgrimage to BETHEL is... Well, it's the same as.....
I went when I was 13. I remember my feet hurting like hell and my Mom being pretty grouchy. Other than that, nothing special. I had a much better time with our "wordly" cousin touring the city.