If the entirety of the bible is divinely inspired, and therefore everything in it is correct, doesn't that kind of set Christianity on it's ear? Think about it. Christianity is a monotheistic religion. It is even stated in the ten commandments; "thou shalt not have any other gods before me". Many places in the bible, in the old testament especially, specific 'lesser gods' are mentioned by name. Does that then validate, and prove their existance, as well as the Christian god?
I'm a longterm atheist, so my bible knowledge is pretty rusty, but even I can recall at least a handful of the names of other gods besides "the god". Baal, Dagon, Ishtar, Molech...the list goes on and on. Never in the bible is it said "these are just the names of non-existing gods believed in by our enemies", they are just called gods. Obviously inferior gods, since none of the followers of these gods could ever beat the followers of Jah/JWHW/Eloim/Jehovah in a fair fight, unless "god" wanted them to because the Israelites had been naughty again. But gods nonetheless. So, ironically, it seems the very book that preaches the most in favor of monotheism, validates polytheism by admitting the existance of other gods.
I remember one sermon I heard as a child, about how Moses threw his staff down and it turned into a snake, eating up the other staves-turned-snakes of the Egyptian magicians in Pharoah's court. In the sermon, it was explained that since the magicians were just 'false idolaters', they probably had only performed some sort of trick, pinching the snakes in some special snakecharmer method to make them go rigid and paralyzed, then walking around with them as if they were a walking staff, to be used later as needed to "prove" the validity of their god. Of course, at the time I was only around 9 years old, and I ate that stuff up like it was the biblical version of Merlin and King Arthur. But, if you take the bible at face value, why couldn't they have really performed a miracle, just as Moses did?
As I said above, even in the ten commandments, it is stated "Thou shalt not have any other gods before me". If no other gods exist, WHY the need for this commandment? Apparently other gods DO exist, and you better stay away from them or you will be smited.