Had a NICE 20 minute conversation with an elder.....

by AK - Jeff 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I was stupified that I was not shunned, as has been my treatment most of the time for the past 3 years.

    I walked into the coffee-shop on my way home. It was cold and I wanted a warm brew to keep me company. As I approached the counter to order, a strangely familiar fellow was right in front of me. He turned and sure enough it was Dale, my old friend of nearly 40 years. This guy 'studied' with my family when I was 4 or 5 years old, about the time my Mom got dipped as a Jw. That would have been 1960. I was the only one in my immediate family to actually 'take to the truth', including my baptized mother, and Dale and I, in spite of our age difference [he must be right at 20 years my senior], became hard and fast friends. He was my best man in my wedding in fact, and we spent tons of time together over the next 4 decades.

    When I left, he contacted me once to invite me to the memorial, and other than that I have corresponded with him a couple times by letter. His last one to me was a 'farewell - to bad you will be dying soon in Armageddon' letter, sincere but misguided. I suspected that would be the last of our time together.

    Then this; I fully expected him to 'shun' me, walk away and look embarrassed by it [ since he knows my no-shunning policies ] . But instead, he stood there and we talked for 20 minutes about his wife's health, his job, mine, the Grandmunchkins, Wifey, the weather. I finished my coffee and he his frozen custard [ why he ordered that on such a frigid cold day I don't know ] while we spoke. I considered reaching out and shaking his hand and offering a heartfelt 'thank you' for his having shown respect and dignity that most witnesses do not know. I didn't do that - but it felt good to know that perhaps of these 120 people whom I had shared my life, at least one was willing to show love outside of condition, at least as long as I did not 'press it'.

    Anyway - the whole thing left me in a peaceful frame of mind. Funny coincidence; I had just two hours previous sat down to write him a letter, but elected to erase it, assuming that it would become kindling for the fireplace anyway. Just coincidence ? I am not sure.


  • Crumpet

    he sounds like a good man in most respects Jeff - am glad you found some peace from the situation. i love those little "coincidences"!

  • truthsearcher

    Hi Jeff:

    I am glad you had this warming experience on a cold day! Who knows, maybe you and Dale will have an opportunity in the future to rekindle your friendship...maybe you should write that letter, including your appreciation for his kindness despite the rules and regulations?


  • Outaservice

    Had a similiar thing happen to me yesterday from a man who has been in the full time work for many, many years. He went out of his way to come to my house and see me. When I answered the door he gave me a big hug and we talked about the good old days and laughed a lot. He did not bring up religion or the JW's once.

    He still is in the full time work, I found out through another JW.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    ...maybe you should write that letter, including your appreciation for his kindness despite the rules and regulations?

    Though I did not state that in my post, I had already formulated that letter in my mind, and will likely compose it today. Great minds think alike I suppose?

    He went out of his way to come to my house and see me. When I answered the door he gave me a big hug and we talked about the good old days and laughed a lot. He did not bring up religion or the JW's once.

    What the h*** is going on here? Are the dubs being given instructions to learn kindness all of a sudden?


  • SirNose586
    What the h*** is going on here? Are the dubs being given instructions to learn kindness all of a sudden?

    It's certainly not coming from the literature. Maybe we are seeing a subtle rebellion against policy? Could it be that all those "don't talk to df'd people" articles are somewhat backfiring?

    Or, maybe the people in the hall are so dull that they'd rather go out of their way to talk to a df'd person.

  • willyloman

    I went AWOL from the Kingdom Hall three years ago and most dubs go out of their way to avoid me. I have had several encounters like the one you describe, however, and now longer look over my shoulder and around the corner every time I walk into a public place. I have come to the conclusion most dubs are more afraid of me than I am of them.

    I run into so few of my former "friends" wherever I go that I suspect a number of "sightings" have been averted because they saw me in a store or the mall and ducked out of sight to avoid having to talk to me. I've only seen this happen once or twice, but suspect there are many other times when I simply didn't see them before they saw me.

  • truthsearcher
    Great minds think alike I suppose?

    I am honoured, Jeff!

    Ps Can you tell I just figured out how to use the quote box--it has only been after 3 months of posting! Duhhhhh. I am not sure about that great minds on MY part! lol

  • truthsearcher

    I'm feeling so warm and fuzzy right now, I am going to go and call a JW!

  • Dismembered

    Greetings AK - Jeff,

    If only more people like him, could just lose the "Oh there's Mr DF'd" babyshit attitude.


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