If most of you were JW's at one time, am I right in assuming that most of you are uneducated? Anyone here actually have a degree of some sort?
Education idiot!
by FrightMare 42 Replies latest jw friends
i went back to school for a 2 year college diploma and graduated with a 90 average. that's straight A's for those more familiar with letter grades. that went so well that i'm now in the middle of a four year program in electrical engineering after that there will be no more education for me- finally. however my earning potential has gone up exponentially from the $6/hr i was making before
$6 an hour is still better than the median $5.50 an hour that most JW's make, so at least you were a step ahead.
What's the average salary for an electrical engineer?
Assuming??????????????????? I've always heard that assuming makes an ass out of YOU and hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm I forget the rest. I'll just leave it at makes an ASS out of YOU.
When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.
Well Cassiline, I guess that answers that, you have no degrees.
I see you must have really proofread and corrected your usual typos.
What kind of education do you have? A degree in "prick"?
You really are a frigging moron.
"The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
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45-50k to start in canada, probably 60k to start in the USA. which is kind of wierd when you consider that the American dollar is worth $1.55 Cnd as we speak. so far i've been making 12/14 and last summer 17 per hour. at the rate i'm going i think i'll pass some of the "brothers" who had the cleaning empires( all the other work for them for min wage) -
drahcir yarrum
I have an MBA. Not a Harvard MBA, but it wasn't an online college either. And the truth of the matter is, it hasn't earned me one extra dollar or a promotion. I did it for the pure satisfaction of accomplishing a goal.
I earned all of my higher education starting at age 27.
BTW, I know a number of outstanding people who have little or no higher education. They are well read and have excellent street smarts. A diploma doesn't make you intelligent. It's just suitable for framing.
Drahcir bin Yarrum
There you go AGAIN ASSUMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When will you LEARN???
When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.
I presently do not hold any degrees. Only a GED that was burned by my mother because it made me "wordly". But, I have worked as an uncertified MA, working in medical offices, and plan to go back to doing so shortly (had a few family things to take care of with my IL's). My home will be paid for in about a year and I will then work toward becoming a certified MA, also perhaps a RT.