for the ladies

by sspo 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    We lived near bethel, and always had lots of brothers coming and going during construction. My mom was always on the lookout for someone for me.

    None of them ever really appealed to me, thankfully.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    There weren't any single bethelites in our hall, and we are a long way from the UK bethel, but I did hope to meet a really spiritual brother, pioneer, ms, elder, and get married to him. It never happened, and I'm happy it didn't now.

  • Sparkplug

    This is terrible and I hope my dad forgives me for putting this on here but....

    There was a bethelite that my dad wanted me to marry so bad he told me that if I could get him to marry me that he would buy me a convertable sports car as a wedding gift. I seriously considered it but in the long run backed out, the guy was in his 30's and I was 18. It was tough though, I really wanted a sports car. Thankfully I have grown up since then.


    Taht is why I love you LoRu! you crack me up

  • Xena
    There weren't any single bethelites in our hall, and we are a long way from the UK bethel, but I did hope to meet a really spiritual brother, pioneer, ms, elder, and get married to him


    It never happened, and I'm happy it didn't now.

    Well I didn't marry a really spiritual brother, pioneer, ms or elder either...just another borderline JW like myself.

  • rebel8

    The ONLY thing I found the least bit appealing about that idea was the automatic improvement in social status.

    Never having an emotional need to be popular, the elevated social status wasn't enough to outweigh the other things about being married to a jw man.

  • new boy
    new boy

    That is were I saw my X wife, on a bethel tour.Love at first sight. LOL

  • misanthropic

    I personally never was interested in finding a bethelite, but I know my sister and a lot of her friends were all about that.

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