Has anyone heard from Seven?
I've noticed she hasn't posted for a while.
Let us know you're OK !
Seven ?
by Simon 15 Replies latest jw friends
And RCat, too. Where y'at, Rcat? ... with Seven?
Dear Simon, Thanks for noticing that I was absent.I'm recovering emotionally from the sudden death last week of a very dear friend. I'm heartbroken but promise to return soon after alittle time away.
Seven -
****HUGS**** Thank God you're okay. I knew that you said you were very busy, and I didn't want to bother you, but I have been very, very, worried.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. We're here for you whenever you're ready to come back. ***HUGS*****
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You will be in my thoughts.
I'm sorry to hear that Seven, our thoughts are with you.
Love Simon, Angharad and kids -
I'm very sorry for your loss, Seven. I too was concerned about your absence from the board but like Red I figured you were busy. I have lost many loved ones and I know how much it hurts. If you want to talk, my e-mail is available on this board.
We all love you very much and our hearts and prayers are with you.-Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-
Hey Seven,
Well, this seems rather redundant since we just chatted last night - but I figured carmel might think I'm rude to those cuter than I am - so here goes....
Come back!!! We miss you, Seven!!!!!
ps - hope you're day's going well? Good.
Hope all goes well with you and those close to the one that passed on. I miss you and your pretty picture.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Don't stay away too long! I have lost friends and family members to death, and I would guess that most who post here have also (based on age). My heart goes out to you.
When I come face to face with the death of someone close, it seems to "turn up the volume" inside of me about many of the threads that we have recently discussed on this forum. I realize more than ever that I cannot ignore vital questions about our nature and our existence.
It makes me rethink my priorities, and reflect on the blessing of each precious day of life, and how I choose to use it.
I also think about what is truly valuable in life and that we all have only a limited amount of time to devote to those things. Isn't it true that what we usually value the most are those things which we cannot buy? We value what we often do not seem to find time for in our busy lives. We all long for that which is meaningful, and yet we seem to have difficulty making those things a priority.
Somehow, we always think that we will have time later to show others how much we care about them and share our heart with them -- tell them all those things that we are feeling. When they are gone, we wonder why we waited. We wonder if they really knew how much we cared and why we valued them so much.
My father died unexpectedly at a young age. He had previously told my Mom that he didn't think that he was very well liked by most. At his JW memorial service, over 300 attended. Many drove in from other cities where we had lived. There was not enough seats, so they stood respectfully all around the KH during the service. Many later offered comments about how he helped them through difficult times in their life. How they felt that he had become a father to them. How much that they appreciated that he always let them know that he cared and that he proved it by being there for them. He was much more loved and respected than he ever knew. He was and is missed more than he could ever have imagined. I wish that he had known how much others cared, while he was alive.
Seven, please share your thoughts with us when you are ready. You are missed.