The preceding analysis is correct. If one looks closer it becomes more clear what you told the elder who says it did not get to him in fact did get to him. The wording shows he's highly intelligent and smooth, but it also tells us that he sees it necessry to have to use the powers of his mind and his smooth talk for giving you personally the brush off - as if tht would dismiss the power of what you've told him. You did better than you thought. Still with others remember to point out it's not required to become an NGO and doing so requires the promoting of U.N. objectives. The WTBTS has sold out separation of church and state, polluted spirituality.
JW Response to NGO/UN info
by Andrew Farrell 67 Replies latest jw friends
Had Enough
Hello Andrew and welcome to our board.
Thank you for providing us with a typical blinded JW's answer. I'm sorry you didn't get the response you hoped for.
I noticed that XXXXXX said:
Yes, the Society is registered with the UN. It does not make them a supporter of the UN,
But the Criteria for Association states that the NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the UN. So who is the WTS lying to...this typical JW or the UN? is a requirement that they register so they can be protected by the human rights umbrella of the UN. Without the UN acknowledging the Society, they can accomplish very little and have little protection from world powers who seek to crush the Society.
Since when has the WTS felt required to register to anything "worldly" for protection from world powers? Haven't we always been told to put our complete trust in Jehovah for protection?
The real truth is that we must be registered by law. Just as we must pay taxes by law, obey the law of the land, when it does not contravene Gods own laws. By being registered, the government acknowledges we exist.
Why now, since 1991 when the WTS made this application, has it become a "law" that we register with the UN to have our existence acknowledged?Just as we do not vote, there is nothing stopping us going to our local MP and asking assistance for a problem we may have in the community.
But that MP does not expect us to "promote" his principles and distribute information about his functions and works.By acknowledging they are elected members of government, does not mean we are part of their politics.
If XXXX is going to use this as a comparison then lets consider this. There is no need to apply for registration with elected members of government just to "acknowledge the elected members" so why the need of the WTS to "apply for registration" as an NGO if they are only "acknowledging" the UN.
By merely "acknowledging they are elected members of government", we are not expected or required to support his principles, or have information programmes and publish newsletters etc and organize conferences etc. to distribute information about the elected members.
That comparison is no comparison at all. XXXXXX and any JW who uses this kind of defence, is totally missing the whole picture.
Trevor Scott
Thanks for posting this. The tone reminds me of the many conversations I had with my father and brother-in-law (both "elders") as I was exiting the borg.
I'd like to make one comment,
This jw said:
It does not make them a supporter of the UN
The WTS is either a "supporter of the UN", or a liar. Which does your friend prefer?
The role of these non-governmental organizations that are associated with the United Nations is defined in UN resolution 1296 (XLIV) of May 23, 1968, which states that an NGO "...shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities."
Sad. So sad...
I "love" how JWs respond to "apostate" exposes' but then don't allow a follow-up. The "don't write me unless you're reinstated" is so typical.
-----"Yes, the Society is registered with the UN.
----- It does not make them a supporter of the UN,
----- it is a requirement that they register so
------they can be protected by the human rights
------umbrella of the UN."The same reasoning could have been used for jw's in Malawi...
their human rights would certainly have been protected had
the wts allowed them to purchase a political card required by
law in a country that had only one political party. It did
not show support for that party any more than paying taxes
showed support for the Roman government back in the 1st
century AD.Libby
The WTS has no problem jumping into bed with the 'Satanic' world it hates. It sucks at the teat of most governments in the world, especially the U.S. It has no problem condemning the government as run by Satan, but has no problem urging it's members to seek government help. Doublespeak at it's finest. Hypocracy at it's best.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke -
i was wondering about the following lines in the NGO Q&A, dealing with why one is cooperating with the NGO/DPI:
......"encourage political participation at the community level."
......"disseminate information about the range of issues in which the United Nations is involved, to enable the public to understand better the aims and objectives of the world Organization."
......"thereby building knowledge of and support for the Organization at the grassroots level."
"Publicizing UN activities around the world on such issues as peace and security ...."
"Promoting UN observances and internationsla years established by the General Assembly ...."
...."as an integral part of the United Nations information activities...."
....."interested in spreading information about the United Nations."
......."undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to ptomote knowledge of its principles and activities,...."
"Share the ideals of the UN Charter."
"Have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues ...."
"Have a commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes about UN activities ...."
...."the question of the participation of NGOs in all areas of work of the UN,....."
"This international forum brings together senior UN System officials,...."
"-regular mailing of UN information materials sent to the Headquarters of all associated NGOs;"
..."encouraged to ......organize joint projects."
..."mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN......"
...."expected to devote a portion of their information programmes to promote knowledge of the United Nations principles and activities."
..."regularly providing samples of their information materials relating to the work of the UN."
Must confess (hadn't expected that, hm?), wonder a bit at this ..... -
thinkers wife
Thanks for posting that response Andrew. I have been kicking around the idea of sending the information to my father. I am still not sure what I will do. But this does give me an idea of how an intelligent well read Witness would respond. It doesn't make me very happy.
TW -
To all,
Prior to sending anything to anyone, read over Randy Watters how to talk to witnesses. Also use a questioning and non-confrontational manner. Keep in mind that when yu take something away you must offer something in return that is better.
A few final points you have to know your FACTS cold. That means reviewing and completely understanding all of the facts outlined in the 11 page thread that is running on the WTS, United Nations and NGO.
Keep in mind the Watchtower itself voluntarily solicited the Department of Public Information (the UN's web site shows you have to go to them). Keep in mind that in 1991 it was Mr. W.L. Barry, a governing body member whose name went on the application. Keep in mind that the criteria requires that the NGO must agree to the charter of the United Nations and promote the UN which is the same as agreeing to the United Nations which is the same as the beast. It is what the other chruches do the WTS will tell us and that is why they are on the Great Harlot at the back of the beast.
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most deceptive one of them all?
i HAVE BEEN ON THE NET for sometime now almost 5 years
and i must admit you "Apostates" SMILE--are peeling the layers off the wt and how it truly operates
i have RARELY seen this type of information, so well explained and most important of SO WELL Documented like this
i recall with the Bomb factory story -- WHEN IT started folks had the details all A$$ backwards and stuff-
but you guy have taken the time to THIS ISSUE pc by pc for any serious lurker to see and examine for himself
IT REALLY MATTERS NOT WHAT A dyed in the wool jw beleives- as we all know the society can say this red book is blue and they will agree
so we are not really interested in those with such mindset- they have to go thru the process of "Critical thinking" which at this point in life they have not done
but there are many who have some very serious and honest questions they want to ask and they are tired of being viewed like some hater of god just because they ask a question
as we all recall while studying with jw we are encoureged to ask all the questions we want to- then you are forbidden to ask any questions where the answer may make the society look bad
well there are so many jw out there who are simply TIRED of the horse and pony show- they get each week - when they go to circuit assemblies or get the CUT AND PASTE PUBLICATIONS they continue to get
at least when Freddy was alive you could expect to get something exciting even if it wasn't true SO GOOD OLD Anti-typicle type or something
today it
AND BE QUIETI KNOW OF jw right now who are involved in gambling , playing lotto, having birthday parties and even handling money from thier kids that is tainted
yet each and everyone of these same jw have rejected my wife and i atteempt to help them see the real deal
so on one hand they want the things of the "World" while at the same time trying to play "I'm Loyal to God's Org"
they are Hypocrites of the highest order
so keep up the good work and for those who have real questions and are willing to take the time to look- we know that they will find the right answers to thier questions