Garybuss said not one single thing they told him about in his younger years (since the 50's) came true. It made me think....Does anyone know of ANYTHING they said that was/is right??????
Can you name ONE thing that the WTBTS said that came true?
by megsmomma 39 Replies latest jw friends
frozen one
The WTBTS babbles on and on about so many things. While I can't think of anything specific something must have came true. It's like the old saying, "Even a blind pig occasionally finds an acorn."
They said he 70's would bring big things. They were right! Afro's, sideburns, and bellbottoms!
I think they were right about , if they start a religious book publishing corporation that targeted the mentally ill for slave labor they can make millions.............
Religion is a Snare and a racket?
if you get df'd or da yourself, jws won't talk to you and will actually shun you
Can you name ONE thing that the WTBTS said that came true?
that the end would come. and it has, for them.
...................."if you don't follow our rules, you'll be disfellowshipped."
I asked the same question to my ex wife and she could not come with anything but she reminded me
to wait until the governments will turn against false religion. Yes , i keep on waiting
If you stop studying WT literature and only read the Bible,
you will soon return to Christendom and her teachings.Something like that.