I reached a point, just prior to leaving the JWs, of being sick of religion. I wanted nothing to do with it, period.
Then I realised that I had been a member of a cult, rather than a religion, and so I opened my eyes and started looking around.
I found bunches of people going in a similar direction of travel, but with vastly different outlooks; all attempting to be the best they could, and not always succeeding, but somehow being okay with that. Some believed this, some that, some prefered their religion with music and dance, others prefered not. I found diversity where I had expected conformity.
I became reconciled to something that I had never known existed, because I had never had eyes to see it before. To be honest, I had never really been looking for anything positive in it, always picking faults as I had been trained to do. I decided to rise above my programming (which had been from birth).
Even if I never attended another religious service again, I'd be grateful for the insight I've been able to have into something that so many enjoy. Meanwhile I'll keep on enjoying it