Elders Meeting funny moments

by bj 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bj

    While checking on the UN in the WTS publication I came across a strange debate that is reported in the AWAKE!-May 8, 1987,p. 29 about drinking-water jugs. This reminded me in Funny Elders Meeting moments. Some ask the question what do the Elders discuss and in what spirit are they conducted?

    During an Elders Meeting that took place in Malta (Fgura Congregation), the debate became so heated that the Service Overseer took of his shoe and throwed it to another.

    The Body of Elders of the Valetta Congregation (also in Malta), had on their Agenda, whether brothers should wear socks at the meeting. (When I was at school it was a must, so for me this topic seemed ridiculus).

    Looking foward to hear yours.


  • jschwehm


    My brother once got into trouble for french kissing one of the elder's daughters. The Circuit Overseer was called in to the meeting with my brother. During the meeting, the Circuit Overseer told my brother that french kissing was an unclean way to express affection and that it is so unclean that even married Christians do not engage in that form of expression.


    Jeff S.

  • Yerusalyim

    I've seen chaplains in the military almost come to blows. The Holy Roman Emperor had to threaten to take the roof off of the Sistine Chapel in order to make the Cardinals finally elect a pope after several years of disagreement.

    Are you at all suprised by this conduct giving the nature of Da Judge's take over of the WTS (i.e. having opposing board memebers forcible removed)?

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • ozziepost

    I remember one elders' meeting in a large Australian cong. where the chairman gave out an agenda that showed just 3 items:

    1. Bro. X (one of the participating elders) to explain why he said ".............." to Bro. So-and-so.

    2. Bro. X (yep, that same hapless elder!) to explain why he ..........

    3. Bro. X (kinda like repetition for emphasis, eh?) explain why he said ".........." to Bro. So-and-so.

    And that was it. I kid you not.

    Good to know we have 'loving shepherds' who are real spiritual men, isn't it?

    Or is it just the Australian branch that 'fosters' guys like this?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • LDH

    I once had an elder's meeting when I was a reg. pio, the same two trouble makers wanted to meet with me because "SOME" were disturbed by my way of speaking.

    Nope, not at the doors. But in general. One thing in particular that I said was pointed out to 'incriminate me.' I was talking of some delicious ice cream I had purchased in a 5 gallon drum and said it was "so good I almost ate the whole dang thing."

    They actually wanted to know how much ice cream I ate, and if it was anywhere near "the whole dang thing."

    I told them a la Theocratic Guidebook, I was using 'Exaggeration for Emphasis.' This really pissed them off. They counseled me against "this form of speech."

    My father was present at this meeting.

    The whole thing got started because when my sister graduated from high school, we had a "party" for her and two other girls. [8>]
    A group (co-ed) of us young people decided to go for a hike (we were at a state park). Since we were all young we decided to go on the eight mile hike--to the top of the dam and back. None of us had really ever hiked more than 2-3 miles.

    It got so late in the day, we were struggling to get back to the party (we went missing for hours), that by the time we got back to the rendezvous site, there was a search party of rangers getting ready to come look for us. We were exhausted and hungry and thirsty.

    Needless to say, we all pretty much got into trouble.

    Well, some years later when I was reg pio'g, I related the story to the car group. One of the sisters in the car group who was ALWAYS jealous of my sister and I took it upon herself to go tell the elders about my wild story. and they felt they had to "investigate" this serious charge of lying.

    My father was pissed.

    I think I'll add this experience to my thread, "How you know it ain't the truth." I'll also tell another story about this same trouble making sister, her name was Joanne.

  • bj

    What I meant by "Elders meeting" is the ones were the Body of Elders meet and discuss new appointments of ministerial servants, Elders, etc.


  • LDH

    Ahh, sorry Joe. I've been the focus of so many of my own "elder's meetings" I obviously misunderstood....


  • bj

    It's ok Lisa, no problem.


  • roybatty

    At one elders meeting with the CO him and I got into an argument, of all things, music! LOL. He (along with most of the other elders) felt that a certain young brother shouldn't be appointed as a MS because he went to a Pearl Jam concert. I felt otherwise. SOOOO the next day after the regular meeting he called all the elders together into the second school and proceeded to read to us all of the research he found on the internet regarding Pearl Jam. It was sooo funny to hear him read their lyrics, some of which contained the "f" word, which he read word for word. Ok, call me juvenile but it cracked me up hearing the CO say "fuc*" over and over again. He saw me trying to hold back from laughing and his face turn red with anger. Needless to say, I wasn't an elder much longer.

  • DIM

    Pearl Jam don't say the "f" word very much on their cd's.

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