Welcome! Be careful with your wife, as I hope she doesn't turn on you. I wish you and your wife & baby the very best! I hope all gets worked out before the baby is born so you won't fight over how the child is raised, because that would be difficult for you.
My Debut
by TheMan 34 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome and best wishes !!!
Greeting The Man,
Welcome to JWD. Nice to have another New Englander join the ranks. There aren't enough of us.
Welcome to the board and I wish you, your wife and new baby-on-the-way all the best.
Welcome to the board. Now go out and buy your wife two presents-one for her and one for the baby.
choosing life
Welcome to the board and it's great you could connect with your wife. Congratulations on the coming baby. It is wonderful that you can raise your child now as you see fit.
Thanks for sharing your story. It looks like a good beginning for you both.
Welcome--and good for you!!
Lady Liberty
Dear The man,
We are so glad you decided to post!!! What a experience!! I am thrilled that you and your wife seem to be on the same page!! That is just incredible!!! Please keep us posted as to how it goes. We are SO happy for you!!!!
Lady Liberty
Lady Liberty
Dear Deus,
WELCOME to you too!! I must have missed your first post!!
Glad to have you here!!
Lady Liberty