Comments You Will Not Hear at the 2-4-07 WT Study (Justice)

by blondie 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 02-04-07 WT Study (December 15, 2006, pages 25-29)(JUSTICE BE DONE)

    Review comments will be in red

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "Shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night?'-LUKE 18:7.

    Opening Comments

    Notice how the WTS inserts "Jehovah" into Luke 18:7, a scripture where "God" is used even in the NWT.

    According to the WTS the "chosen ones" are only the 144,000 (anointed) mentioned at Revelation and does not include the "great crowd" except by association (companions).

    Did you spot the "apostate" statements?


    Q1) Who are a source of encouragement to you, and why?

    1) Around the world, Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy the company of Christian brothers and sisters who have served Jehovah faithfully for years. Do you know some of these dear ones personally? Perhaps an elderly sister comes to mind, one who was baptized many years ago and rarely misses a meeting at the Kingdom Hall. Or you may think of an aged brother who loyally supports the congregation's field ministry activities week after week and has done so for decades. Granted, many of these faithful ones thought that by now Armageddon would have come and gone. Yet, the fact that this unjust world still exists has neither undermined their confidence in Jehovah's promises nor weakened their determination to 'endure to the end.' (Matthew 24:13) The depth of faith shown by such loyal servants of Jehovah is truly a source of encouragement for the entire congregation.-Psalm 147:11.

    Do you know some of these dear ones personally…elderly sister…rarely misses a meeting…aged brother who loyally supports…field ministry…week after week

    How many know where they live; what their first name is; have had them over for a meal or taken them out for dinner? My experience was that few associated with older people unless it was other older people.

    Granted, many of these faithful ones thought that by now Armageddon would have come and gone. Yet, the fact that this unjust world still exists has neither undermined their confidence in Jehovah's promises nor weakened their determination to 'endure to the end.'

    They thought that because they were told that "millions now living will never die" in the 1920’s, that the end was just around the corner in the 1950’s, and very soon now, in 2007.

    The end was coming in









    The WTS chastised the "faithful" who believed that the end was coming soon.

    *** w99 7/15 p. 18 par. 9 Anchored by Hope, Impelled by Love ***

    A few dedicated Christians in some parts of the world appear to have reefed the sails of their ship of faith. The ship is still afloat, but instead of forging ahead in full faith, they have adopted a cruising speed. Drawn by the hope of "Paradise soon," some were prepared to spare no efforts to attain it—zealous in the preaching work and regular in attendance at all meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Now thinking that the realization of their hopes is farther off than they anticipated, they have lowered the price they are willing to pay. This is evident in reduced preaching activity, irregularity at meetings, and willingness to miss parts of assembly or convention programs. Others are devoting more time to recreation and to obtaining material comforts. These facts lead us to consider what should be the driving force in our lives in line with our dedication to Jehovah. Should our zeal in his service be dependent on the hope of "Paradise soon"?

    Q2) What situation saddens us?

    2) At times, though, we may observe the opposite. Some Witnesses shared in the ministry for years, but over time their faith in Jehovah weakened, and they stopped associating with the Christian congregation. It saddens us that former companions have left Jehovah, and it is our heartfelt desire to keep on helping each "lost sheep" to return to the flock. (Psalm 119:176; Romans 15:1) Even so, these opposite outcomes--some staying faithful while others lose faith--raise questions. What enables numerous Witnesses to keep their faith in Jehovah's promises while others lose it? What can we personally do to ensure that our conviction that "the great day of Jehovah" is approaching remains firm? (Zephaniah 1:14) Let us consider an illustration found in the Gospel of Luke.


    Some Witnesses shared in the ministry for years, but over time their faith in Jehovah weakened, and they stopped associating with the Christian congregation. It saddens us that former companions have left Jehovah, and it is our heartfelt desire to keep on helping each "lost sheep" to return to the flock.

    Faith in God weakened, or faith in the "lies" of the WTS and have stopped associated with an organization that lied to them repeatedly.

    They have not left God, but left a lying organization as the Christians left the Jewish religious system to become followers of Christ.

    Keep faith God’s promises—were the years 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, 1984, 1994, God’s promises, did God lie?

    A Warning for Those Living "When the Son of Man Arrives"

    Q3) Who can especially benefit from the illustration of the widow and the judge, and why?

    3) In Luke chapter 18, we find Jesus' illustration regarding a widow and a judge. It is similar to the illustration about the persistent host, which we discussed in the preceding article. (Luke 11:5-13) However, the context of the Bible passage containing the illustration of the widow and the judge shows that this especially applies to those living "when the Son of man arrives" in Kingdom power, which time period began in 1914.-Luke 18:8.* (Footnote: * To appreciate fully the import of this illustration, read Luke 17:22-33. Note how the references to "the Son of man" at Luke 17:22, 24, 30 bear on the question raised at Luke 18:8.)

    especially applies to those living "when the Son of man arrives" in Kingdom power, which time period began in 1914

    Has the WTS always taught that Christ became king in 1914? Or was it 1915?

    *** jv chap. 28 p. 632 Testing and Sifting From Within ***

    Based on the premise that events of the first century might find parallels in related events later, they also concluded that if Jesus’ baptism and anointing in the autumn of 29 C.E. paralleled the beginning of an invisible presence in 1874, then his riding into Jerusalem as King in the spring of 33 C.E. would point to the spring of 1878 as the time when he would assume his power as heavenly King. They also thought they would be given their heavenly reward at that time.
    Extending the parallels further, it was stated that the desolation of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. (37 years after Jesus was hailed as king by his disciples when he rode into Jerusalem) might point to 1915 (37 years after 1878) for a culmination of anarchistic upheaval that they thought God would permit as a means for bringing existing institutions of the world to their end. This date appeared in reprints of StudiesintheScriptures. (See Volume II, pages 99-101, 171, 221, 232, 246-7; compare reprint of 1914 with earlier printings, such as the 1902 printing of MillennialDawn.)

    Q4). What did Jesus discuss before he related the illustration found in Luke chapter 18?

    4) Leading up to the illustration, Jesus stated that the evidence of his presence in Kingdom power would be as widely discernible "as the lightning" that "shines from one part under heaven to another part under heaven." (Luke 17:24; 21:10, 29-33) Nonetheless, most people living in "the time of the end" would not pay attention to that clear evidence. (Daniel 12:4) Why not? For the same reason that people in the time of Noah and that of Lot ignored Jehovah's warnings. Back in those times, people `were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, and building until the day that they were destroyed.' (Luke 17:26-29) They lost their lives because they were so absorbed in those common activities that they did not pay attention to God's will. (Matthew 24:39) Today, people in general are likewise so caught up in daily affairs that they fail to see the evidence that the end of this ungodly world is near.-Luke 17:30.

    Leading up to the illustration, Jesus stated that the evidence of his presence in Kingdom power

    Was that presence in 1874 or 1914? Was kingdom power in 1878 or 1914 or 1915?

    *** jv chap. 28 pp. 631-632 Testing and Sifting From Within ***

    The series of books known as MillennialDawn (and later called StudiesintheScriptures), which were penned by C. T. Russell, drew attention to the implications of this according to what the Bible Students understood from the Scriptures.

    Something else that was seen as a possible time indicator involved the arrangement that God instituted in ancient Israel for a Jubilee, a year of release, every 50th year. This came after a series of seven 7-year periods, each of which ended with a sabbath year. During the Jubilee year, Hebrew slaves were freed and hereditary land possessions that had been sold were restored. (Lev. 25:8-10) Calculations based on this cycle of years led to the conclusion that perhaps a greater Jubilee for all the earth had begun in the autumn of 1874, that evidently the Lord had returned in that year and was invisibly present, and that "the times of restitution of all things" had arrived.—Acts 3:19-21, KJ.

    When did the "time of the end" start and when did it end based on past WTS statements/prophecies?

    In the "Finished Mystery" book, on page 239, the WTS says:

    "This is without question a fulfilment of the prophecy testifying to the "time of the end." These physical facts can not be disputed and are sufficient to convince any reasonable mind that we have been in the "time of the end" since 1799."
    Also, from the March 1, 1922 Watch Tower:
    " The indisputable facts, therefore, show that the "time of the end" began in 1799; that the Lord's second presence began in 1874."
    The book "Creation," published by the WTS in 1927 has a very detailed explanation as to why they felt 1799 was the beginning of the time of the end. Here are a few quotes. Creation, page 293:
    "Napoleon began this Egyptian campaign in 1798, finished it, and then returned t.o France on October 1, 1799. The campaign is briefly, yet graphically, described in the prophecy, verses 40-44; and its being completed in 1799 marks, according to the prophet’s own words, the beginning of "the time of the end".
    Creation, page 294
    "Twelve hundred and sixty years from 539 A. D. brings us to 1799, which is another proof that 1799 definitely marks the beginning of "the time of the end ".
    Creation, page 295
    From shortly after 1799, the date of the beginning of "the time of the end", we should expect to find an increase of knowledge, particularly with reference to the Bible.
    Going back just a few years to 1921, in the book "The Harp of God" says on page 236:
    "The time of the end" embraces a period from 1799 A.D., as above indicated, to the time of the complete overthrow of Satan's empire and the establishment of the kingdom of the Messiah. The time of the Lord's second presence dates from 1874, as above stated. The latter period is within the first named, of course, and in the latter part of the period known as "the time of the end."
    Ignored Jehovah’s warnings (or the WTS flawed warnings?) common activities…daily affairs

    Ungodly world

    everyone who is not a JW is ungodly

    5. (a) To whom did Jesus direct a warning, and why? (b) What has caused some to lose their faith?

    5) Clearly, Jesus was concerned that his followers too could become distracted by Satan's world, even to the point that they might "return to the things behind." (Luke 17:22, 31) And, indeed, this has happened to some Christians. For years such ones longed for the day when Jehovah will put an end to this wicked world. However, when Armageddon did not occur by the time they expected, ` they became disheartened. Their confidence in the nearness of Jehovah's day of judgment faded. They slowed down in the ministry and gradually became so involved in the mundane matters of life that little time was left for spiritual matters. (Luke 8:11, 13, 14) In time, they `returned to the things behind'--how sad!

    What does the WTS consider a "distraction"?

    *** w58 9/15 p. 563 par. 14 Keep Your Eyes on the Prize ***

    In today’s world, though, it is not likely that a single possession will take one’s eyes off the prize; it is the multitude of things, belongings, pleasures, hobbies and the anxieties and distractions of life. All together the multiplicity of distractions exert a strong power, making it difficult
    Since people tend to be acquisitive, what distractions a person can pile up in the way of possessions alone! What a vast amount of gadgets, magazines, books, clothing, hobby paraphernalia and nondescript effects one can accumulate! It is often surprising how many things one tends to accumulate that are not really useful. Even piled away in a closet, things not really needed are a distraction: not only do they require space but they take time—dusting, cleaning, rearranging, etc. By shedding distractions, by keeping possessions to those that are needful, we feel happier and, above all, are better able to keep our eyes on the prize.—Eph. 5:15, 16.

    *** km 4/94 p. 3 par. 4 Serve Jehovah Without Distraction ***

    Jesus knew that the young man would be benefited if he unburdened himself of these distractions. They prevented him from being complete in his devotion to God. What about you? Do you find yourself working longer hours secularly just to maintain the life-style to which you have become accustomed? Has this affected your service to Jehovah? Are your material possessions crowding out Kingdom interests?
    Is your life becoming so crowded with social activities that spiritual matters are getting less and less attention?

    Of course, wholesome entertainment and recreation are not wrong in themselves. But spending excessive time each week on such things as television, movies, videos, sports, secular reading, or hobbies may permit a treacherous heart to develop and pull us away from Jehovah. (Jer. 17:9; Heb. 3:12) How can that happen? During Christian meetings, you may find that your mind wanders; you may even wish the meeting would end so that you can get back to the pursuit of pleasures. Soon, you could find yourself looking for reasons to stay home rather than attend meetings or engage in field service. Now is the time to determine explicitly if these pursuits have become distractions in your life. (Luke 8:14) Could not some of the precious hours consumed by entertainment be better used for spiritual development?

    Time-ConsumingSideIssues: Some have got caught up in efforts to resolve common problems in modern society. Christians need to avoid becoming involved in the world’s endless debates over social issues or its futile struggles to correct injustices.
    While everyone wants to maintain a measure of good health, paying undue attention to the seemingly endless theories and remedies offered can make one obsessed with health matters. There are ever so many who advocate a wide variety of diets, treatments, and therapies for physical and emotional problems, many of which are in conflict with one another. What a person does in matters of health is a personal decision, as long as there is no conflict with Bible principles.

    *** km 10/95 p. 1 par. 2 Are We Staying Awake—Avoiding Distractions? ***

    Distractions: Some have become preoccupied with excessive or questionable recreation, even becoming TV addicts. Of course, seeking first the Kingdom does not mean that we must avoid all forms of recreation.
    Another common distraction that causes spiritual drowsiness is the desire for unnecessary material things. This requires that a person spend more time at secular work and causes spiritual pursuits to be crowded out.
    Still others allow their ‘hearts to become weighed down with the anxieties of life’ to the point that they fall asleep spiritually. (Luke 21:34) At times, anxiety is experienced because of health problems or distressing family situations. But such personal concerns must not be permitted to diminish our awareness of the fast-approaching end of this system of things

    APOSTATE: Some Christians…when Armageddon did not occur by the time THEY expected, they became disheartened. Their confidence in the nearness of Jehovah’s day of judgment faded.

    *** Awake! October 8 1966 pp.19-20 ***

    'How Much Longer Will It Be?'

    6,000 Years Completed in 1975 … In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man's existence and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an end? The year 1975

    But now the WTS teaches that the beginning of man’s existence started within the 6 th creative day not the beginning of the 7 th creative day (God’s rest day) so they do not start with the same day thus cannot end at the same day; that it could have been 30 years between the creation of Adam and the creation of Eve. It was in 1975 that the WTS gave themselves a loophole.

    "Aid" book claimed Adam and Eve were created in the same year:

    Adam at age 130 had a son, Seth --Aid to Bible Understanding, p.333
    Eve at age 130 had a son, Seth -- Aid to Bible Understanding, p.538

    *** w75 5/1 p. 285 A Contrast—Missionaries with an Urgent, Lifesaving Work ***

    Another speaker, F. W. Franz, the Society’s vice-president, forcefully impressed on the audience the urgency of the Christian preaching work. He stressed that, according to dependable Bible chronology, 6,000 years of human history will end this coming September according to the lunar calendar. This coincides with a time when "the human species [is] about to starve itself to death," as well as its being faced with poisoning by pollution and destruction by nuclear weapons. Franz added: "There’s no basis for believing that mankind, faced with what it now faces, can exist for the seventh thousand-year period" under the present system of things.
    Does this mean that we know exactly when God will destroy this old system and establish a new one? Franz showed that we do not, for we do not know how short was the time interval between Adam’s creation and the creation of Eve, at which point God’s rest day of seven thousand years began
    . (Heb. 4:3, 4) But, he pointed out, "we should not think that this year of 1975 is of no significance to us," for the Bible proves that Jehovah is "the greatest chronologist" and "we have the anchor date, 1914, marking the end of the Gentile Times." So, he continued, "we are filled with anticipation for the near future, for our generation."—Matt. 24:34.
    "Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the long-looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin by then? Possibly. . . . It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years."
    --Watchtower 8/15/1968, p.499


    They slowed down in the ministry

    Gradually became so involved in the mundane matters of life

    Returned to the things behind

    Proof that many JWs only give the semblance of belonging, missing more meetings than attending, putting in the minimum 1 hour to be labeled "active," eventually stopping attending altogether. Are they returning to the things behind? Is it the ones that do WTS prescribed disfellowshipping offenses that concern them or those who merely stop attending meetings of the WTS. Leaving the WTS does not equal leaving God or becoming people without ethics or caring for others. Just the opposite, they find out what is truly ethical and loving.

    [Picture on page 26] What is highlighted by the illustration of the widow and the judge?

    The Need "Always to Pray"

    6-8. (a) Relate the illustration of the widow and the judge. (b) How did Jesus apply this illustration?

    6) What can we do to make sure that our firm confidence in the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises does not weaken? (Hebrews 3:14) Jesus addressed that question right after he warned the disciples not to turn back to Satan's wicked world.

    Confidence in the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises

    = WTS promises (see their track record above)

    According to the WTS everyone who is not a JW is part of "Satan’s wicked world."

    7) Luke reports that Jesus "went on to tell them an illustration with regard to the need for them always to pray and not to give up." Jesus said: "In a certain city there was a certain judge that had no fear of God and had no respect for man. But there was a widow in that city and she kept going to him, saying, `See that I get justice from my adversary at law.' Well, for a while he was unwilling, but afterward he said to himself, `Although I do not fear God or respect a man, at any rate, because of this widow's continually making me trouble, I will see that she gets justice, so that she will not keep coming and pummeling me to a finish."'

    Always to pray and not to give up

    But was Jesus telling them that what they prayed from would constantly need clarification because the WTS did not understand what God was saying or that the WTS (not its members) were running ahead of God trying to predict a date that Jesus told his followers said would come at a time they did not think it likely to come?

    (Matthew 24:44) On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.
    (Luke 12:40) YOU also, keep ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think likely the Son of man is coming."

    8) After giving this narration, Jesus made the application: "Hear what the judge, although unrighteous, said! Certainly, then, shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, even though he is long-suffering toward them? I tell you, He will cause justice to be done to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man arrives, will he really find the faith on the earth?"-Luke 18:1-8.

    Cause justice to be done to them speedily

    The WTS has been declaring the justice would be done in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1975….

    Remember how the WTS says that it is wrong when other religions and religious leaders say that a person is not healed when they pray because they do not have enough faith. What about not having enough faith in the WTS and its predictions? Is it lack of faith on the part of the individual JW that makes the WTS predictions fail?

    *** w97 7/1 p. 5 The Miraculous Healing of Mankind Is Near ***

    Jesus never failed to heal the infirm on the pretext that they lacked faith or that their offering had not been generous enough.

    "See That I Get Justice"

    Q9) What theme stands out in the illustration of the widow and the judge?

    9) The central theme of this vivid illustration stands out clearly. It is mentioned by both characters in the illustration as well as by Jesus. The widow pleaded: "See that I get justice." The judge said: "I will see that she gets justice." Jesus asked: "Shall not God cause justice to be done?" And of Jehovah, Jesus stated: "He will cause justice to be done to them speedily." (Luke 18:3, 5, 7, 8) When in particular will God "cause justice to be done"?


    in particular will God "cause justice to be done"?


    Restoration of Jews to Palestine and the conversion of 144,000 literal Jews due before 1914. WT June 1880, p. 108. In 1914 the kingdom of God will be set up on earth and destroy all earthly kingdoms. WT REPRINTS Aug. 1880, p. 124.

    1799 was the beginning of "time of the end

    ". 1260 years of Papal supremacy ended in 1798 with the dethroning of the Pope, and the release of the "Two Witnesses" of Rev. 11:3 (Old and New Testaments). WT REPRINTS, April 1880, p. 87.


    End of Gentile Times; Church to be taken home in a rapture; this year marks the farthest end of the rule of imperfect man. The Time Is At Hand, C.T. Russell, 1908, p. 77. [compare 1878]


    "Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews chapter eleven, to the condition of human perfection." Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p. 89,90.


    We are "in the remaining months before Armageddon." WT Sept. 15, 1941, p. 288.

    Q10) (a) When was justice meted out in the first century? (b) When and how will justice be done for God's servants today?

    10) In the first century, the "days for meting out justice" (or, "days of vengeance," Kingdom Interlinear) arrived in 70 C.E. when Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed. (Luke 21:22) For God's people today, justice will be done on "the great day of Jehovah." (Zephaniah 1:14; Matthew 24:21) At that time, Jehovah will "repay tribulation to those who make tribulation" for his people "as [Jesus Christ] brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus."-2 Thessalonians 1:6-8; Romans 12:19.

    Justice…arrived in 70 C.E.

    His people

    only JWs

    Those who do not know God

    all non-JWs

    It has been 128 years that the members of the WTS of been waiting for "justice" and Christians in the first century only waited 37 years (70-33). How much longer will people today wait for the WTS interpretation of "justice"?

    Q11) In what way will justice come "speedily"?

    11) How, though, should we understand Jesus' assurance that Jehovah will cause justice to be done "speedily"? God's Word shows that "even though [Jehovah] is longsuffering," he will quickly execute justice when the time is ripe. (Luke 18:7, 8; 2 Peter 3:9, 10) In Noah's time, when the Flood arrived, the wicked were destroyed without delay. Likewise, in Lot's day, when fire rained from heaven, the wicked perished. Jesus said: "The same way it will be on that day when the Son of man is to be revealed." (Luke 17:27-30) Again, the wicked will experience "sudden destruction." (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) Indeed, we can be fully confident that Jehovah will not allow Satan's world to exist for one day longer than justice requires.

    When the time is ripe

    --- 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, 1984, 1994….very soon now

    When Flood arrived…when fire rained…destroyed without delay…sudden destruction

    Will not allow Satan’s world to exist for one day longer than justice requires

    Did God delay in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, 1984, 1994? Or was the WTS just wrong?

    "He Will Cause Justice to Be Done"

    Q12, 13) (a) How does Jesus' illustration of the widow and the judge teach a lesson? (b) Why can we be certain that Jehovah will hear our prayers and cause justice to be done?

    12) Jesus' illustration of the widow and the judge highlights still other important truths. In applying the illustration, Jesus said: "Hear what the judge, although unrighteous, said! Certainly, then, shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones?" Of course, Jesus was not comparing Jehovah with the judge as if to say that God would treat believers in the same way. Instead, Jesus taught his followers a lesson about Jehovah by highlighting a contrast between that judge and God. What are some of the ways in which they can be contrasted?

    Jesus was not comparing [God] with the judge

    But does the WTS paint God as a person that only the "chosen ones" can approach and that all others must go through the WTS to be heard by God?

    13) The judge in Jesus' illustration was "unrighteous," whereas "God is a righteous Judge." (Psalm 7:11; 33:5) The judge had no interest whatsoever in the widow as a person, but Jehovah is interested in each individual. (2 Chronicles 6:29, 30) The judge was unwilling to help the widow, but Jehovah is willing--yes, eager--to come to the aid of those serving Him. (Isaiah 30:18,19) What is the lesson? If the unrighteous judge listened to the requests of the widow and granted her justice, how much more so will Jehovah hear the prayers of his people and certainly cause justice to be done for them!-Proverbs 15:29.

    [God] is interested in each individual…eager…aid of those serving Him

    only JWs are serving God

    Does God hear the prayers of those who aren’t JWs?

    Or perhaps they don’t have enough faith?

    Q14) Why should we not lose faith in the coming of God's day of judgment?

    14) Therefore, those who lose faith in the coming of God's day of judgment commit a grave error. Why? By giving up their firm belief that "the great day of Jehovah" is near, they question, in effect, whether Jehovah can be trusted to keep his promises faithfully. But no one can rightfully question God's faithfulness. (Job 9:12) A valid question is, Will we personally remain faithful? And that is exactly the subject that Jesus raised at the end of the illustration about the widow and the judge.


    those who lose faith in the coming of God's day of judgment commit a grave error.

    If any have lost faith in that day, who has been crying wolf…1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, 1984, 1994?

    Have they been God’s promises or the WTS promises? Does the WTS = GOD?

    "Will He Really Find This Faith on the Earth?"

    Q15) (a) What question did Jesus pose, and why? (b) What should we ask ourselves?

    15) Jesus posed the intriguing question: "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8, footnote) The expression "this faith" indicates that Jesus referred, not to faith in a general sense, but to faith of a particular kind--faith like that possessed by the widow. Jesus did not answer his question. He raised it so that his disciples would think about the quality of their own faith. Was it gradually weakening, so that they were in danger of returning to the things they had left behind? Or did they have the sort of faith exemplified by the widow? Today, we should likewise ask ourselves, 'What kind of faith does "the Son of man" find in my heart?'

    "this faith" =


    faith in the WTS or faith in God and Jesus?

    What kind of faith does "the Son of man" find in my heart—

    actually the WTS/FDS/GB will be doing the judging of that with their representatives the elders doing the footwork.

    Faith in the WTS organization or God?

    *** w05 2/15 p. 19 par. 10 Safeguarding Our Christian Identity ***

    He meant that by feeding on God’s Word, we build our faith and confidence in Jehovah, his promises, and his organization.

    *** w02 8/1 Loyally Submit to Godly Authority ***

    How has reviewing the account of Korah strengthened your faith in Jehovah’s visible organization?

    *** w99 10/1 p. 5 par. 1 "For Everything There Is an Appointed Time" ***

    And worst of all, it has weakened some people’s faith in Jehovah and his organization.

    Q16) What sort of faith did the widow have?

    16) For us to be among those who will receive the justice of Jehovah, we need to follow the course of that widow. What sort of faith did she have? She showed her faith by persistently "going to [the judge], saying, `See that I get justice."' That widow persisted in order to receive justice from an unrighteous man. Similarly, God's servants today can be confident that they will receive the justice of Jehovah--even if it takes more time than they had expected. Further, they show their confidence in God's promises by persistent prayers--yes, by `crying out to Jehovah day and night.' (Luke 18:7) Indeed, if a Christian were to stop praying for justice to be done, he would show that he had lost confidence that Jehovah is going to act in behalf of his servants.

    Faith…persisted…persistent prayers

    how many times do you have to ask to be considered one having faith?

    God’s servants— only JWs

    Even if it takes more time than they had expected— even if it takes more time than the WTS predicted

    A Christian— only JWs

    Stop praying for justice…lost confidence that [God] is going to act in behalf of his servants (only JWs)

    Q17) What reasons do we have to persevere in prayer and keep our faith in the certain coming of Jehovah's day of judgment?

    17) The particular circumstances of that widow show us that we have additional reasons for persevering in prayer. Consider some of the differences between her situation and ours. The widow kept approaching the judge even though no one gave her any encouragement to do so, but God's Word gives us much encouragement to "persevere in prayer." (Romans 12:12) The widow had no assurance that her requests would be granted, but Jehovah has assured us that justice will be done. By means of his prophet, Jehovah stated: "Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late." (Habakkuk 2:3; Psalm 97:10) The widow had no helper to plead for her in order to add force to her petition. But we have a powerful helper, Jesus, "who is on the right hand of God, who also pleads for us." (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25) Hence, if the widow, despite her challenging situation, kept pleading with the judge in hopes that justice would be done, how much more so should we keep our faith in the certain coming of Jehovah's day of judgment!

    Even though no one gave her any encouragement to do so— TRANSLATION: The WTS gives constant encouragement at the meetings which is why it is so important to be be at every one…boring though they may be.

    Had no assurance that her requests would be granted— TRANSLATION: JWs should persist in believing the WTS predictions although there is no evidence that any have come true.

    Even if it should delay…it will not be late— evidently delaying is not the same as being late.

    The widow had no helper— only the "chosen ones" (anointed, remnant) have Jesus to plead for them since only he is mediator only for the 144,000.

    This is all a weak attempt to make JWs feel guilty that they lack the "faith" of this woman.

    Q18) How will prayer strengthen our faith and help us to receive justice?

    18) The illustration of the widow teaches us that there is a close link between prayer and faith and that our persistent prayers can counteract influences that could weaken our faith. Of course, this does not mean that a mere outward show of offering prayers is a remedy against loss of faith. (Matthew 6: 7, 8) When we are moved to pray because we realize that we are fully dependent upon God, then prayer draws us close to God and strengthens our faith. And since faith is required for salvation, no wonder Jesus found it necessary to encourage his disciples "always to pray and not to give up"! (Luke 18:1; 2 Thessalonians 3:13) Granted, the coming of "the great day of Jehovah" does not depend on our prayers--it will come whether we pray for it or not. But whether we will personally receive justice and survive God's war or not definitely does depend on the faith we have and the prayerful course we pursue.

    Close link between prayer and faith

    Does not mean that a mere outward show of offering prayers— I knew JWs that only prayed at public meetings, they never had a family study, never studied with a non-JW, and never prayed personally…they admitted such to me.

    Fully dependent upon God— but only through the organization

    Faith is required for salvation— faith in the organization?

    The coming of "the great day of Jehovah" does not depend on our prayers— I remember a sister who believed that the more we prayed for this day to come, that God would speed it up.

    CARROT: Whether we will personally receive justice and survive God’s war

    Q19) How do we prove that we firmly believe that God will "cause justice to be done"?

    19) As we recall, Jesus asked: "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth?" What is the answer to his intriguing question? How happy we are that millions of faithful servants of Jehovah around the earth today prove by their prayers, patience, and perseverance that they do have this faith! Thus, Jesus' question can be answered in the affirmative. Yes, despite the injustices that Satan's world presently inflicts upon us, we firmly believe that God shall "cause justice to be done for his chosen ones."

    How do we prove that we firmly believe that God will "cause justice to be done"?

    Get back to the meetings or attend all the meetings

    Get in the national average (10 hours/monthly) in the field service


    Faithful servants of Jehovah— only JWs will survive

    The "faith" is only found in the WTS

    [Picture on page 29] Millions today firmly believe that God shall "cause justice to be done"

    Do You Recall?

    - What has caused some Christians to lose faith?

    - Why can we have firm faith in the coming of Jehovah's day of judgment?

    - What reasons do we have to persevere in prayer?

    - How will persistent prayer help to prevent us from losing our faith?

    Concluding Comments

    I looks like the joints are leaking in the WTS. It has been almost 12 years since the WTS let the air out of the 1914 generational balloon. It has been 6 years since 9-11-2001 when many JWs went back think the end was nigh. I wonder how many of them are still attending today.

    The WTS has cried wolf too many times. The parents of the baby boomers are dying off not receiving the promise of being of the millions now living who would never die. Their children are grandparents themselves and do not want to waste time like their parents did.

    The weather is bitter today and will be worse tomorrow. At least we aren’t sitting outside the remnants of our home in Florida. I hope all those from JWD are safe along with their friends and neighbors.

    Love, Blondie

  • little witch
    little witch


    You go honey. glad to see you still giving them the what for after all this time.

    btw, in paragraph 17, did you all catch the hook? jehovah's witnesses are under more pressure than even a widow... jewish lit (old testament, new testament) pity (charity, care, love) was demanded of widows and fatherless children. Washing windows and choosing to have doors slammed on ones toes does not equal having ones spouse die, or ones children left without justice.

    Another lame attempt to make good, caring, generous folks believe they are worthless and belittled by the sad....


  • SirNose586

    The doublespeak is really getting hard to decipher. So on the one hand, Jehober's day won't be late, but it's your fault if you expect it too close! The great day of Jehovah is near, but if it's not nearer than you think, it's your fault for expecting it!

    I think I'm going to dread tonight's family study...

  • garybuss

    Can I spell . . . LOADED LANGUAGE? Whoa! These guys are in trouble and they're admitting it.

  • anewme

    The deceit for many years is very clear and simply sickening.
    Thankyou Blondie. What would we do with out your weekly study?
    Poor poor poor trapped people!
    Keep putting your life on hold and give up all that you love for the Watchtower!
    That just isnt right and is so extreme. Jehovahs people are NOT happy people because they are being beaten constantly unnecessarily by these so-called Bible experts and self appointed anointed ones who claim to speak for God.
    Thanks also Blondie for pointing out that those who leave the Watchtower are not leaving God, just the sad Watchtower cult.


  • truthsetsonefree

    Funny, my daughter's mother decided to go to the meeting today (they have Saturday meetings) to hear this. Wow, I'm sure she got the encouragement she was looking for.


  • cyberguy

    Thanks blondie! Say, this statement takes the cake:

    14) Therefore, those who lose faith in the coming of God's day of judgment commit a grave error. Why? By giving up their firm belief that "the great day of Jehovah" is near,they question, in effect, whether Jehovah can be trusted to keep his promises faithfully.

    Here's my take. Stuff like this is going to make people leave the cult faster than anything we could ever say.

  • Robert222

    I look forward to Blondie's summary each week. I've learned more here than from any meeting at the KH. The opening paragraph, and throughout, is insulting to the reader. Its my fault that I expected the end to come, its my fault that I stopped attending empty, useless meetings, it must mean I am returning to my former wicked ways. Well guess what "brothers" I was raised a JW, my parents abused me mentally and physically if I even thought of having any independence. I am finally rejecting a corporation that has no resemblance to the early christian congregation. I do hope this WA insults more people, and finally wakes them up to the empty, hateful organization they are so loyal to.

  • moomanchu

    Good read

    I know one thing for sure it's a heavy responsibility to claim to speak for God.

    Have they know fear of God ?

  • Blueblades

    They sure know how to use the wording in their favor. Par: 2, What enables NUMEROUS witnesses to keep their faith in Jehovah's promises while OTHERS lose it. Actually it's OTHER witnesses small number left, compared to NUMEROUS witnesses who lose their faith ih the Watchtower and leave. I might add, Jehovah's ( Watchtower's ) PROMISES, ( Lies ) with a catch. There is always a catch / carrot.

    Nice work Blondie as always.


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