The Artist formally known as Prince
by Sasha 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
this reminds me of the bro in my congo that was a corrections officer in a jail before becoming a dub, everyone is ok with that....
But can a bro study to become a corrections officer?
The lady in white is Shelby. A singer Prince is helping. The dancers are twins.
Prince is a genius. A true artist in every sense of the word. The show was, of course, not as "wild," as Prince has done in the past. He had to stay as mainstream and tame as possible for the hypcritical American public. Hence, Purple Rain.
But, the song was so appropriate. Magical, almost. The lightening...although I've read it was "created"...was incredible. He's 48 years old. He was soaking wet. Didn't lip sync. Played amazing guitar. Ran around on a slippery stage. Wore a doo-rag. And STILL managed to look incredible! Let's see Jessica Simpson do that. Or Justin Timberflake @ 48. And he didn't need any "guests."
All I know is that when America has the nerve to even allow Paris Hilton to release an album...Prince can perform "badly" any time for me!
As for being a JW (he is recently divorced btw) he's not stupid. His eyes won't stay clouded for long.
Explore the link posted by lovesdubs, above, and then come back to the conversation:
John Wesley Harding was Dylan's album produced in the perid he was reading the Bible and would soon proclaim his born-again Christian status (which was itself a passing phase). The lyrics refer to the biblical story of Christ (the joker) on the Cross next to the thief, and they are the players in this conversation. The wild animal growling and the horsemen represent the death the crucified men were facing, which was imminent as the "hour was growing late."
Based on another post, however, I believe Prince changed the lyrics at Super Bowl.
As for him being would be like saying you would get automatically electrocuted if you were in the rain with a flashlight - the batteries are simply not strong enough.
The wireless transmitters on the guitars only use a couple of AA batteries. Prince was safe... If he was plugging directly into an amp, then safety would have been an issue...It's connected to the guitar and transmits the sound to the amps. With the wireless, he can walk all around the stage without being tethered to a cord. If you've seen his earlier live performances, you'll know what I mean.
Prince was more in danger from the pools of water on the stage being connected to a main power source via all the cables for the lights, cameras, etc. But of course they would have been carefully insulated and protected from rainfall as much as possible. Wireless transmitters are available for ANY KIND of sound source.
I'm pretty sure he was referred to as "the artist formerly known as Prince". Since he legally changed his name to that unpronouncable symbol he would formally have been known as [insert symbol here]—which is likely exactly why he changed his name, i.e. to insert symbol here, or there, or anywhere.
While the symbol is an abstract invention (as far as I can deduce) its influences are clearly the Ankh, paisley, and both the male and female gender symbols.
AuldSoul -
DUBS watch the Super Bowl? I thought competitive sports were taboo?
Oh, and try "real maple syrup": you won't go back to Aunt Jemima!
I would like a survey taken in some K. Halls to see who owns cats. I know some have dogs.
wrong!!! (just kidding - of course everyone can interpret these songs as they see fit)........
The Joker is Bob Dylan and the Thief is Bob Dylan too. One representing his commercial business side and the other his true artistic self. The Thief connotation being particulary appropriate because many have accused Bob of "stealing" from the ancient folk tradition to create his own songs.
The JWH (almost spells JHWH doesn't it??) was an album written while Bob was reading more the Old testament. I love it! The version of AATW on that album is every bit as good as Jimi's or maybe even better. Hendrix loses his way after the 2nd verse a little bit, but Bob's version is more consistent and Kenny Buttrey's drumming (RIP Kenny!) drives the song along like an Armegeddon train. Sometimes I turn the balance on my stereo all the way to one side and just listen to the drums and guitar on that channel. The drumming is amazing...
Prince is a genius. A true artist in every sense of the word. The show was, of course, not as "wild," as Prince has done in the past. He had to stay as mainstream and tame as possible for the hypcritical American public. Hence, Purple Rain.
But, the song was so appropriate. Magical, almost. The lightening...although I've read it was "created"...was incredible. He's 48 years old. He was soaking wet. Didn't lip sync. Played amazing guitar. Ran around on a slippery stage. Wore a doo-rag. And STILL managed to look incredible! Let's see Jessica Simpson do that. Or Justin Timberflake @ 48. And he didn't need any "guests."
All I know is that when America has the nerve to even allow Paris Hilton to release an album...Prince can perform "badly" any time for me!
As for being a JW (he is recently divorced btw) he's not stupid. His eyes won't stay clouded for long.
So nicely put, Tatiana!
As for him being would be like saying you would get automatically electrocuted if you were in the rain with a flashlight - the batteries are simply not strong enough.
Tatiana, I've heard of people getting electrocuted without a flashlight. It was just too much electrical stuff and water around for me to sit comfortably and watch. I, actually, got up and told my daughters that I couldn't watch it. My daughter was like "Mom, you're tripping!". I'm just panicky that way.