Update from Bethel....

by LDH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Just received word from my parents who were visiting with a Bethelite [8>] couple over the week end (Circuit Assembly).

    My dad's on the defensive because I have begun to tell him exactly what I think og the WBTS.

    Anyhow he wanted to let me know, per this couple, the JW are housing firefighters and even feeding them!

    My response? "Good. That's what they should do."

    No praise here. After all, aren't they the 'good and faithful slave?' What they are doing is what they 'ought to be doing.'

    Just my thoughts.


  • teenyuck

    I posted a quetion on a JW site, asking what the JW's were doing to help. I got a few responses. All were the same. All were from the official JW web site that says they fed and gave water to people.

    My opinion is "big deal"...other organizations are doing much more. One of the posting I read said they were down at ground zero ministering to the workers. Perhaps the heroic workers do need hope, however, telling them this is the beginning of Armageddon cannot be too helpful.

    I asked my mother what the local congregation is doing (she lives outside Chicago) and she said just asking for more donations. They, of course, do not tell where the donations go, but my guess, is that very little if any is going for humanitarian aid to the victims or their families.

  • Patriot

    "One of the posting I read said they were down at ground zero ministering to the workers. "

    Absolutely a false statement. Unless you had an official Badge and ID you could not get near ground Zero. Unless you went early in the morning (before 8) you could not be used as a volunteer (first week only). And you HAD TO WORK , not no preaching! Now you have to be a certified Firefighter,rescue worker, nurse, EMT, Policeman etc. Trust me no Jws around.

    I did not even see them in the areas set up for the Doctors. Now maybe there were one or two around witnessing on the "DL" but I sure didn't see any.

    Although I don't have any proof, I seriously doubt that firemen were being housed at Bethel. There are enough temporary housing options for them and I don't remember the WTBTS being up on the list. Again I really don't know but it sure doesn't sound right.

    The WT contributions for these kind of "things" is to "help" people by preaching to them. Like they say, theres only one solution to this and that is God's Kingdom..."so theres no sense in giving money to something that ios still going to happen until God takes action".


  • messenger

    When you consider WT spin doctors the actual story about helping firefighters was probably closer to this:

    A couple of volunteer firefighters who were Jehovah's Witnesses toured bethel when they came in for a week to help with clean up of the WTC disaster. When the bethel brothers found out what they were doing they offered to let them stay at bethelat night or two while they were there.

    If you consider that there has been no press release and no official comments from WT the above is probably closer to the actual relief work of WT. This gives bethelites a way to say they are helping in the relief effort. If you think for one minute they are going to let worldly people stay in "God's House" you are sadly mistaken.

  • Naeblis

    So three weeks after the fact they've found it in their hearts to help have they? Hey thats great. NOthing they do now can take away from the fact then when those planes hit, and people were streaming by injured, disoriented, and looking for help, the witnesses locked their doors.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello LDH,

    I'm pleased that you've tried your best.
    You'll never know.

    To Patriot: great thanks for the precise information

    about "ground zero "! The WTBS and PR invent so many

    things - making up what they are not -!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    P.S. About donations...never saw the WTBS listed among the

    list of those who donated -minimum 300.000.= dollars.

    Maybe with the millions they have (the NY Inc. and the

    Pennsylvania) they ..gave a lot ????(See the thread Charities

    and the WTBS or WTS Sales ).

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • teenyuck

    Patriot-I believe you. I somehow received an e-mail at my home (I do not know how they got my
    personal e-mail) from a woman who stated she was from NY and the brothers were there preaching
    ground zero.

    I cannot believe the city or the feds would allow the JW's in, however, stranger things have

    Anyway, I am cutting and pasting one of the e-mails I was able to retrieve from AOL's trash bin. I got this
    from someone who read my question on this web site. I asked what JW's were doing to help. I cannot figure out how she/it
    tracked my AOL account. Her earlier e-mail was much longer and much more detailed. I deleted it. She stated
    that the JW's were at "Ground Zero" and preaching.

    This is the e-mail I received from this person...she did not identify herself. I did not e-mail her back.
    Re: Since the attack
    Date: 9/26/01 1:05:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time
    From: [email protected] (wifeofisac)

    TXXXX, I have some emails I can send. I know they set up a table at the end of brooklyn bridge to help the many who traveled that way - they provided water, food, etc. This tragedy affected JW's also because we have friends and families that worked in the towers, in fact one of my friends was just getting ready to tour the tower when the plane hit. She was among those running through the streets for safety. I can
    assure you that the WT society is rendering aid, they are just more quiet about it.

    According to my mother, in the Chicago area, nothing is being locally done to get aid to those who need it-either in the
    org or not.

  • RedhorseWoman
    I can
    assure you that the WT society is rendering aid, they are just more quiet about it.

    This would be a first. I have never known the WTBTS to be quiet about a PR opportunity. They have already taken the fact that they allowed JW visitors to Bethel to have dinner with the Bethelites and massaged it so that it "appeared" that they were helping any who needed it. I'm sure that if they were actually extending aid to non-JWs, they would have a banner on the Columbia Heights Compound similar to MacDonald's-----150,000 WORLDLY PEOPLE SERVED DURING THIS CRISIS----with daily updates.

  • teenyuck


    I cannot seem to get my mother to understand that....she thinks that by asking for more cash, they doing a good deed!

  • LovesDubs

    They are most likely keeping the contributions to repay themselves for the bologna and wonderbread they used on the firefighters.

    The rest will go for new suits for the Bethelites for the upcoming October special meetings.

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