The WT study for Feb 4, says that in Luke 18, Jesus asks "when the Son of Man arrives will he find THIS faith in the earth"?
A footnote in the NWT says "or "this faith" ", but does not quote any authority to back up this claim.
Looking at the greek text, I see only a definite article. I checked other translations, and none of mine said "THE faith" - I assume because the definite article in this instance is like that in other languages such as german and french, where it would mean faith in general. ( La foi, la fe, das Glaube) Since Jesus is not talking about faith in Allah, Buddhas or Wotan, he just means faith in him. As opposed to "This" particular faith in him from Crooklyn.
Have the WT changed it to "this", so that the witlesses think he means "THIS faith as taught by the WTBCS" as opposed to other peoples faith in Christ?