The WTS has this nice little explanation for everything. How can man be
only six thousand years old, how could a global flood have actually taken
place around five thousand years ago, what proof of Armageddon do you
have? While we have picked apart the answers and knocked them around,
it still was a well written story, difficult to pick apart for most of us.
Well, I have pretty much lost all faith that there is a god, and I have read
great research that indicates that [Tetragrammaton] (YHWH) was the faceless
Warrior-god of some Hebrews who worshipped many gods, like everyone else,
but this god got elevated.
I have read how the Hebrew writings were the combination of the stories of
the 2-tribes and the 10-tribes. I have also read how Jesus' life was that of an
ordinary man who knew Jewish law and scriptures well. There were plenty of
possible messiahs in his time. I am convinced that most prophetic books were
written after the fact, there's plenty of proof. I even did research that explains how
Eden and Adam may have gotten their start from stories told by Hunter-gatherers
in Sumaria, that Eden would mean "fertile plain" and Adam would mean "settle on
the plain" and the stories were told at the time of the very birth of writing, so the
Hebrew author was just story-telling. On and On.
The thing is this- I have been taken by logical sounding writings before. I am
confident that the Bible is nonsense, and that YHWH or anything like him is not
a reality, BUT what if the research I have done is just MORE GOOD WRITING?
WHAT IF I AM WRONG AGAIN? I can handle that, but easier to say at the
beginning that I don't know, I need conclusive evidence or else I remain agnostic.
I expect that a true "discreet slave" would allow for doubt, and not say things are
"God's promise" unless they were, so I must be the same way with my beliefs.
Why are you so confident in your beliefs, or not so confident?