What if you're in love but don't want to be married?
What to do?
by freyd 10 Replies latest jw friends
Then don't get married.
As long as both people feel the same way, then I think it is ok to just enjoy being in love. If two people are thinking differently on the matter though, then you have to figure why each person wants what they do and see if you can still be the right ones for eachother.
Yeah, megsmomma is right. Being married is perfect for my wife and I but it takes second place to our love. Are you in love freyd? If it's not too personal a question what is your situation?
It's a long distance kind of thing.
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HI Freyd, What does your love interest want? If she wants marriage and you don't, then it's best to part ways.
The only reason to marry is to have and raise children. My freind could not have children of his own but has been living with the same woman for 25 yrs. They dont need a peice of paper to prove their love!!!!!
In America marriage is a financial contract to share assets.
If both are in love why would it matter if you got married or maybe only one person is really in love?