That was freakin' hilarious! Every dub in the civilized and uncivilized world and most non-dubs in those worlds knows that Prince is a dub! His conversion and baptism was covered all over the world, he spoke up about it and the press wrote about it. Yet, the Service Department who knows about ME (and I left 31 years ago) but doesn't know about a world-famous celebrity named Prince who probably gives them gigantic contributions each year! I'll tell you why I know the WTS knows about me. About 7 or 8 years ago, my mother called Brooklyn and gave my name and asked if I was ever disfellowshiped. In a few seconds, they pulled up my name and told her, "Nope. He is not and was not ever disfellowshiped." Yet the Service Department can not and will not confirm if Prince is a dub. That poor Service Department slob lackey on the phone was probably told by his (asshole, lying) boss to dodge the question.
When a religion feels it would be embarassed to publicly acknowledge a member of their faith even when they KNOW that person is a member which could embarass them, I smell cult here. I don't smell transparancy or "Christian" here. I smell CULT. The truth is transparent. The LIE is hidden in secrecy and protected by punishment for those who betray the lie.
The WTS plays the fool because it lives in the middle part of the last Century, and not in the world we now occupy and when it could get away with denying things that are now instantly available to anyone who can spell the word "Google."
This took me under 2 seconds to find. And I don't claim to speak for God.
There were 309,000 hits, yet God's "Spirit Directed" Organization which keeps track of each time someone farts does not have access to the records to know that Prince is a dub!