My Latest Watchtower Poem

by Abandoned 19 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Abandoned

    I first posted this as a reply to this thread:, but I'm so pleased with how this came out, that I wanted it to have its own thread.

    The Judgment of the Watchtower
    The day is fast approaching...
    The judgment is at hand...
    Soon all the gb hypocrites
    Will be forced to understand.

    They soon will see their empire
    Crumble from disuse
    They truly could avoid this,
    But it appears they're too obtuse.

    For they fail to notice,
    They totally dismiss
    The proof they've lost God's favor.
    They pretend nothing's amiss.

    But answer us this question,
    Oh guardians from the tower.
    Why can the mere internet
    Undermine your lofty power?

    Could it be the answer,
    Lies simply in the fact,
    That it's only with Satan
    With which the Watchtower has a pact?

  • mouthy

    Wonderful Poem
    Now you have a P,m. What did I find in my mail today????? ((((((((HUGS))) Thank you SO much for sending me that BIG gift. But I am sure you cant do that......I am stunned.... Read your p.m...

  • Abandoned
    Wonderful Poem
    Now you have a P,m. What did I find in my mail today????? ((((((((HUGS))) Thank you SO much for sending me that BIG gift. But I am sure you cant do that......I am stunned.... Read your p.m...

    Thank you Grace.

    As for the other, you have a PM too. Kindness is what kindness does...

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    That is a great poem! I wrote one a few years ago similar in nature to yours.

    Whispers on a flighty wind, heaving bellows from the past

    New day dawns with little hope

    of grandeur dreams, or lovers toast.

    Woman who sees when in the dark, trips upon the aged bark

    naively feeding a hungry shark

    when will she ever learn?

    Raised within religions worst, captured mind and fractured heart

    covered heads that bow in shame

    escape the evil escape the game.

    As tenderly the babe was given, the anger of the unforgiven

    willingly abuse the pure.

    Dance deftly into Satan’s lure.

    Enjoy the fire enjoy the pain, what did you think you had to gain? ~Apostate Kate

    ...and {{{{{{{{Thomas}}}}}}} hugs for making our Mouthy happy

  • Abandoned

    Nice poem. It flows pleasingly....

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Cher Abandone' ---

    Yes, I knew I had read your poem earlier, but elsewhere. I'm glad it has its own thread now. You mentioned the pleasing flow of Kate's poetry. Likewise yours, including past-posted poems.
    You appear to have different "voices," as I like to put it. There is your carefree banter among friends, your formal and correct declarations, and your "effortless" poetry. Cadence - the rhythmic flow of sounds in language - comes naturally to gifted writers (and speakers?) such as yourself. I sense what you do - you are facile with language, suiting it to the needs and circumstance in which you express yourself. Have you consciously given consideration to this - your varying modes of communication?


  • bernadette

    Abandoned, ApostateKate

    I liked your poems - surviving evil and living to tell, warn and fightt - good stuff, encouraging

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    I agree CoCo, Abandond's writing is exceptional in many ways. Would like to read much more from him.

    Thomas do you have any more poetry written?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Abandoned & Apostate Kate,

    I really enjoyed both your poems, excellent.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    bttt ------- a must-read! And re-read.

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