Why does every waking moment need to be filled with something?! If teenage minds aren't being stimulated by the Xbox or Wii then it has to be MySpace or another online distraction. When did you ever catch your child just kicking back and thinking, or - perish the thought - reading!
And let's face it, the rest of us aren't much better. The world is so fast, work has deadlines, housework must be done and when you think you've finally caught up another pile of tasks lands in your 'in tray'. I believe though that we all have an 'inner tortoise' we need to get in touch with.
I want to feel the cool grass on my belly, the hot, hot sun on my back and not to be thinking of anything at all! How do we slow down and be like our tortoises? How do we pull ourselves into our shells and hide away from the bedlam for a while?
I'm not too sure but I'm going to switch this damn computer off, pour myself a scotch and sit by my conservatory window to watch the snow fall over my garden. The house is quiet and so am I. I'll be listening for my inner tortoise . . . I think his name is . . . Mike.