He would have been better off with his first Bethelite job as a baker. At least then he was rolling in the dough.
I think once the Post is through with him, he will have no choice but to stay at Bethel. No legitimate Law Firm will want him.
by Uzzah 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals
He would have been better off with his first Bethelite job as a baker. At least then he was rolling in the dough.
I think once the Post is through with him, he will have no choice but to stay at Bethel. No legitimate Law Firm will want him.
Here's an even better one Scully. Both of them are self-absorbed greedy idiots who don't care how many innocent people die, and are convinced they got a direct line to God:
LOL @ Mary! Good one. I think we are approaching a tie with Scully about 1 point ahead. Let's see some more!
I think once the Post is through with him, he will have no choice but to stay at Bethel. No legitimate Law Firm will want him.
Good. Maybe he'll go back to baking.
I cannot believe this has only been reviewed 804 times.
This is a huge news story and hardly anyone seems to be viewing it or talking about it!
BTTT for Mr. Saunders, Mr. Toth and Mr. Hughes for coming forward and speaking up.
Tremendous placement - right on the front page.
I would have to say that the article treated the issue very carefully. It did not lambaste them like the Toronto Star did last week. However, the reference to being offered daughters should have caught a few eyes, and categorized them along with the most inbred of the Mormons.
The public views this issue very negatively. There is probably nothing that JWs can do that would assassinate their reputation more than denying medical treatment to children. And yet they keep doing it. Whenever an article like this gets printed, their popularity drops another point (it now stands at negative 1,567,985).
THIS IS BIG NEWS. I almost did not read it, as the heading was for Canadians to read the National Post. It was all lower case, and I just thougth it was for Canadians. Maybe the story was something about that cold weather up there??
Anyway, I'll say it again, wow! Does anyone have a hard copy of the front page story? I think it would be neat to see an actual scan.
Mr. Brady rejects as "offensive" the criticism of his role, arguing that he is simply representing clients with strong religious beliefs, not imposing his own principles or acting for the Church. It is no different, he said, than a lawyer in the United States who cares deeply about the rights of African-Americans representing a group such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Very slick rationalization, and only a person who has been a Jehovah's Witness would note and comprehend the dishonesty involved in this statement.
It is impossible for a JW, and especially a WTS lawyer not to impose his beliefs on a person in this situation. The acceptance of a transfusion would never be an alternative that any JW lawyer would offer to his client. In fact, if they chose to do so they would under WTS policy shun the person who chose this option and cease to represent them.
As to the parallels Brady attempts to draw between himself and those who fight for the Civil Rights of African Americans, he needs to aknowledge that people chose not to take Blood Transfusions. WHY do they chose not to is at question. If undue influence, either in the form of misleading doctrine, peer manipulation or emotional blackmail is involved, then the issue differs greatly from that of defending the rights of minority groups and has no parallel. African Americans do not chose the color of their skin!
I just spent an hour running around to corner stores to find a copy and found out that the National Post takes unsold copies when they deliver the next day's copy. None of the stores had any. I called the National Post and they charge $8 for a back copy to be shipped to you.
Sorry, couldn't get one.
The McLean's article, very good:
Not all Witnesses are on board with their church's positions. "There is not uniform acceptance of the Watch Tower's blood doctrine among Jehovah’s Witnesses," the Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood argues. "The Watch Tower organization promotes a myth when it argues that all Jehovah's Witnesses hold the same conviction on this point of doctrine."
With such reformers having failed to gain much of a foothold, though, it appears the church will go down fighting on the sextuplets.
Kudos to AJWRB for getting national coverage.