Starting my story...very long

by Synergy 95 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Paisley

    Hello Synergy, I'm so glad you posted your story for us and others to see. I'm just so very sorry you and other young people have had to endure this kind of unloving, unnatural, unchristian treatment from family and congregation.

    I feel like bttt'ing your story from time to time, just to be sure new ones and lurkers who are actually in possession of a heart will see it. Possibly relate to it, have their eyes opened!

    I said a similar prayer to yours, and voiced like sentiments to my committee when I first met with them to be reinstated. To the effect that I only wanted back if I could be convinced I belonged there among them. Of course I was never fully convinced of that! But for the sake of family I had to do it at the time.

    What you said about how the organization considers a df'd person dead in the eyes of god and in the eyes of other JW's is so true. They really push that demonic idea on the young ones, since they will more easily buy it I guess, still influenced by parents' views of them. My son's father, my ex, pushed that notion, as did his committe, so much so that he changed his name on his cell phone to "Dead".

    It made me absolutely furious! I countered that imbecilic notion regularly and tried to reassure him that he was by no means dead, he was just viewed, wrongly, as being in a certain "state" by a religion. Nothing more.


    I'm really looking forward to the continuation of your story!


  • Warlock


    I'm just numb after reading your story.

    The only thing I can say at the moment is, here, we love you.


  • RAF

    Pffffffffff ... I'm sorry you had to go through all this JWCRAP !!!

    To be continued ...
    geeees you've cut it there ... I'M WAITING !!!

  • truthsearcher

    Agh! I couldn't stop reading your story until I got to the end--I was waiting for the GOOD news, but then there was "to be continued"!!!!....don't leave me hanging with this ucky feeling in the pit of my stomach. Tell me how you were rescued from this private torture!

  • reneeisorym

    Your whole story just sounds so familiar to me. I've experienced many of the same things (no, not all). The boy I ran away with to get away from home turned out to be an abuser and I had to go to the elders with it. I was a victom and felt on trial for it. The elders and that man you had to deal with were so cruel!! Bless your heart!

    I do hope you can find a way to heal. Its so very hard.

  • ithinkisee

    Holy crap. Thank you for that. I will be thinking about your story all day. Your writing style is emotional yet succinct. I love it and am sorry for all you had to endure.

    I saw history repeating itself and I hated it. I remembered all the times growing up of my dad beating me to make an example out of me and I was such an unhappy child. I swore I’d never be a parent like that. Here I was with a baby girl who’s father was reaching out for more congregational privileges and beating our child to get their blessing.

    A couple years ago my oldest daughter was in school and she became very nervous and agitated about having to go to school on holidays. It really bothered her that she had to be so different - when at that age all you wanna do is fit in. Those feelings that I had as a kid in school came flooding back to me as well. It angered me that the cycle was repeating again.

    That one got to me. I remember thinking that as well. That I had all these grown up responsibilities that I was sort of shuffled into doing. Even though I loved them all I resented it. I even ended up flying some 3000 miles to get some "therapy" - from another JW no less.


  • fullofdoubtnow


    Your story was very hard to read, but my bf and I managed to get through it, with a few breaks. What a childhood you had! This cult is so controlling to make people act like your parents did, and think they are pleasing God.

    Trev said that if "brother Brown" had asked a 7 year old child of his if she had enticed her abuser, he would have been on assault charge, and "brother Brown" would have been in hospital,if he was lucky. Right now, we are both feeling very angry towards the watchtower, and I imagine anyone else reading your story would feel the same.

    Take care, and we look forward to reading the rest of your story


    Linda & Trev

  • greendawn

    I can't imagine why they were asking you all those silly questions (that a seven year old girl could not possibly understand) about the abuse, it shows how untrained inept and incompetent they are. This org is so casual and flimsy across all sectors. How can a seven year old girl seduce an old man?

  • bernadette


    thanks for sharing your very sad story

    I really feel for you as little girl having to experience all that demented brutality and abuse from adults around you and from the borg.

    Even when I had my daughter I had to forbid my father from holding her in the Kingdom Hall or he would beat her. At three months old, an infant, she began to cry. I was sitting next to him at the Hall in the middle of a Sunday Watchtower study. He reached down to her carrier she lay in (I thought he was going to act like a Papa and maybe pick her up to hold her) he grabbed her tiny hand and gave it three hard smacks. She cried harder. Think of that!

    The above happens all too often at kh's around the world. Wish there was some way we could stop it immediately.



  • bernadette

    synergy, have you thought of giving your story to maybe a newspaper or magazine to print because you explained everything very clearly with all the refrences reasons why jws do what they do. People in general are often in dark about what actually goes on at the kh.

    thanks again for your brave and courageous story.

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