LOL Top hat - no surprises there - I'm only suirprised that dee sneakers dee only ting dat vanished - what about dee lime in de coconut?! ;-)
FE203girl - your story about the burglars disdaining your mum's beads reminded me of a few years back when Mr C's car got stolen while we were sleeping (or not sleeping - it was after all in the honeymoon stage of our relationship - sigh). ANyway I was so pleased to see the back of that car as i hated it. Couple of days later it was located in the ghettos of Croydon minus pretty muich everything from trims to wipers to seats - it was obviously wanted for the parts rather than the car. What got my goat was whilst they also took the contents of the car they weren;t interested in my music collection - they clearly went through it but decided the likes of The Divine Comedy and Radiohead were not to their taste!
Oh well we have deduced we that criminals in general arent too keen on quality music or plastic beads!