If you believe you are anointed, please give the details on how you came to this conclusion. This is not a judgemental post, so all those with negative comments please keep them to yourself. This is a quest for facts and answers, nothing more.
Do you belive you are anointed?
by unbaptized 73 Replies latest watchtower bible
Okay Axal,
I've read that passage about Jesus and how he was anointed. I want to know if you are an anointed one, how were you called? What is the evidence?
I'm certain of it.
There was a dark time in my life when my hair was dull, brittle and unmanageable. Through some divine means, I stumbled upon Alberto V05 hot-oil treatment in my local drugstore.
Behold, I heated the oil in hot water, annointed and massaged my scalp with the heated myrrh and lo, my mane did become annointed with the hot V05 oil.....from that day forward my locks have been smooth, shiny and filled with holy volume....amen.....and praise Alberto!
I also agree that Biblically there is no distinction between anointed and non anointed Christians that is a division the JWs created in their minds. There is no earth bound class and even the great crowd are in fact in heaven not on earth as the dubs wrongly believe. Therefore your question makes no sense outside the JW realm. All Christians are anointed if they keep up their part of the bargain.
Do you mean, "did you feel you were anointed while you were a JW?" Because, as greendawn says, the question is rather pointless outside JW dogma.
Cellist -
i used to be but now I'm not too sure
Star Moore
Yes, I am.. I was given some of the 'hidden manna', the bible talks of in Rev. 3 to the 7 churches. It happened finally in 2000, even though I was a witness since '79.
Hello Star moore,
Can you give me some details regarding the hidden manna and what it's signifigance is to your being anointed? I thank you for responding to my post. I just wanted to know what was going on.
Hello Pobthespazz,
Why do you now feel different about your calling? Did some people discourage you from believing you are anointed? Also thanks for responding to this post.
I want to know the process you went through before you were accepted as a "true" annointed and not just some confused Dub.
Of the six or seven "annointeds" (partakers) that I know, only one is counted among the remnant.
I ask because I intend to make the claim myself before I go away and want to make sure it sticks.