Are you SATISFIED? I don't think they are...
by Nathan Natas 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think all that bought that should ask for their 5Cents back it was a Hoax
Thanks Nat........ -
I kind of like that drawing though. Is that an S under that lady's bum? Looks like they were getting started early with embedded imagery.
That very well may be an S under her bum.
It appears Brother Gropey's right hand is in her bum region, as well.
~Sue -
Ah yes,...its good to know that the WTS is consistant on a few things.
Maybe I just have a dirty mind, but can't help but think the tree in the right corner looks like two legs and a very pronounced penis.
well,...yes it could be,...very "pronounced" I think is the key word. Or, the "penis" area looks like an arm reaching back and scratching bum.
The only thing that stands between you and salvation satisfaction is 5 cents. If you haven't got the 5 cents, yur' goin' to hell!!
Tyrone van leyen
That old huckster could sure sell dreams. Notice the couple is out in nature, fully dressed in their Sunday clothes, just like they still recommend today, for a good jw image. Some bullshit just never changes.
Uzzah__- Nothing wrong with your mind.... Penis's are not dirty( if washed) But the Dear brothers at Bethel just wanted to show us what is promised in the earthly paradise. Heaven didnt have them,,, but us on earth would be privalidged to have them....Bigger the better