Yet another reason that I left (well I am not DF or DA but I don't plan on going back.) I saw a lot of people confusing spirituality with status.
For a long time, I wanted to marry more than anything and did everything I could to become someone that would be a good husband. I studied the Bible, read all the liturature, went out in service and did all the meetings. However I was told by many people that I was not a good example because I was not a Ministeral Servant or an Elder and as a result sisters turned me down. I was doing everthing else right but I did not have the status.
Now I am 35 and it is looking like there is no way I am going to get married anytime soon as I do not have enough friends and it would take me years to go back and become a MS. As a result, I will more than likely have to give up on marriage all together. The sad part is that I have heard the most Bethelites make the worst mates.
Talk about not being fair. That's when I realized that JW's are like the world, they just show it in a different way.