A good JW "hates what Jehovah hates" by proudly hating all non-JWs. Even their own families!
A so-so one is willing to admit at least some worldly people will survive Armageddon, and often associates with them, too.
What Seperates A "Good" Jehovah's Witness From A So-So One?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
Good JW NEVER misses a meeting.....So-so ones look forward to snow storms and illness so they can legitimately miss.
A good JW:
Attends meetings on vacation.
Reads only JW literature and avoids television and movies.
Pioneers as often as possible.
Studies and underlines all material for every meeting.
Answers at least twice at the Watchtower study, more if they can get called on.
Takes every opportunity to witness to neighbors, store clerks, at the bus stop, .....etc.
A "good jw" takes very good care of their Mask. As where a "so-so jw" is sloathful in doing so.
......and a bad Witness???????
My "take" is different:
A good JW is one who is looking for the door and planning his exit, knowing it's time to discover one's authentic self and live life to the fullest.
A so-so JW has given up any hope of escape and is willing to settle.
a good witness does not question anything but tow the line. a so-so witness allows reason to occasionally cause them to question things that don't make sense.
A good dub never ever doubts the good character, status, and ideology of the FDS. Never even tries to suggest anything to improve the org because that implies incompetence or worse in the FDS. Attends meetings and FS with total regularity unless there are good reasons.
A good Witness thinks dumbly. A So-So JW knows better.