Mine- Popular Mechanics, This Old House and maybe a Sunset.
What reading material would I find in your loo?
by Gregor 44 Replies latest jw friends
Er...we usually have toilet paper that's printed with marine motifs...
william shakespeare(a biography) by anthony holden.....the last post (about world war 1)....the complete book of fishing....and Jehovah lives in brooklyn....its my loobrary
Today you would find "Tales of fear and fascination: the crime problem in the UK"
AND "Liquor" by Poppy Z Brite.
I think that the latter probably has many of the answers to the former!
Watchtowers, Awakes, pages ripped from the Bible...
OH! You meant in the ROOM! I'm sorry, I thought you actually meant in the toilet...
Nothing, since Sierra (my 2-year-old) would rip them apart to entertain herself.
Readers Digest.....Baby magazine's.......Woman's World.....Carolina B-Ball Mags (for hubby)
Popular Mechanics, Maxim, Stuff, Red Book.
Readers Digest, Better Homes and Gardens, Southern Living...
I love when people say "loo" almost as much and when they say "whilst"!
the latest copy of Creating Keepsakes magazine, the novel I'm reading at the time, and a Trailblazer, the Thousand Trails monthly mag.
The local Newspaper, Reader's Digest and a book called Saints and Vllians.