So the argument is that I'm insisting that evolution is wrong ... NO NO NO ...
I said that is what is SEEMED like due to language barrier.
I insiste to say that stating that evolution is a proof is just as improvable as God does existe.
Ah, well, that is something I would disagree with you on. There is far more proof of evolution than there is of god. If you can find me fossilised god bones, or instances where you can observe god today, then I stand corrected.
But it doesn't matter whether there is more proof of evolution than of god. Your experience of god is revelatory, not evidential. Evolution isn't revalatory, it IS evidential.
I don't think you would claim you have proof (other than what has been 'revealed' inside you) of god.
An evolutionist is quite unlikely to make a claim without some evidence.
You seem to feel that admitting this (and it is a fact, there is more evidence supporting evoluionary theory than for god) is admitting something bad, or something that reduces your idea of god. It shouldn't be.
If you believe by revelation, then don't feel your beliefs are belittled if other people say that evolution has more evidence. Well OF COURSE IS DOES, it is an evidential science not a revelatory experience.
It is like someone who 'believes' in rugby feeling belittled by someone who believes in football saying that football has more players. The number of players of football has NOTHING to do with the validity of the belief of a rugby believer.
YOU BELIEVE even if you know that it is a theory.
Because there is no other theory explaining how it happened, not even something half way close. Thus what am I to do? Be an agnostic evolutionist "Well, evolution probably exists, but we may be the product of a sneeze from a giant star cat from a different dimension"? That's silly. Why should I doubt the ONLY theory of origins that actually works? Why should I doubt the cow in my living room fell from an airplane?
To cater for the small chance the theory is wrong is unreasonable; 'the traffic light seems to be red but it may be green'. That's no way to live life.
As there are NO competitive theories it is quite reasonable to say 'as evolution is the only theory supported by the evidence I think that is how it happened'.
And you actually did understand what I've said : Exactly it looks like I'm a pantheist with a Christian perstective
so we can't totally agree on the evolution process from the start and as on thing to create everything if not God in itself. (but that's what the bible is saying - Spinosa didn't bring anything new on the table).we are an all in one.
Do you realise your interpretation of the Bible and the pantheistic beliefs that YOU get from the Bible would be disagreed with by the majority of Bible believers? If you have one possible interpretation of a book, how do YOU know you are right. Where's the proof? Maybe Calvanists are right (horrid idea), or maybe Roman Catholics are right?
At least the theory I support has no realistic competitor, but the hypothesis of god you support has an almost infinate number of competing hypotheses of god and no method of determining which is right as none are based on evidence.
Of coures, I don't have a problem with your beliefs; you're welcome to them. You seem to have a problem with evolutionary beliefs to an extent you criticise it for faults your own beliefs have to a far greater extent.
The question would be why it's easier to believe that not even from the very start a fish can become a human step by step with no proof of any link) yes we do evoluate to accomodate ourselve to our environement it looks like it is limited (that's a fact too since there is no links prooved - so from that, this fact looks more like a proof) NO?
You ARE doing it. On one hand you say you are not 'insisting that evolution is wrong', then you go ahead and insist evolution is wrong.
You do so without an awful lot of knowledge about the subject - this is not an insult, it is a statement. Just how much DO you know about the fossil recorL of pentadactyl tetrapods in order to make the above statement?
Please, answer my earlier question; what would prove evolution to you?
Why I think what I'm thinkin is : we think, we have a spirit ...
And then ask yourself what would I ask to prove the 'spirit' you believe in.
And then see if you are applying the same standards.
All the best
G :-)