Tetra : this is a battle (isn't it?)
and you say "this is a fact based on a very personnal opinion", but i am confused by this
Read yourself back please ... and don't confuse yourself on what I'm saying
just look at the way you actually transformed what I've said about : is every opinion equal to you? is it my english that you didn't understand to get to your those conclusion written in questions?an opinion is based on someone belief with ou without facts (then it all about what stand as good enough regarding the subject) for each one.so, opinions that are backed up by facts are equal to opinions that are not backed up by facts?
are opinions and beliefs the same thing?
if yes, are they all equal even if one is supported by facts more than the others?
if no, how are they different?
I'm talking about opinion here not facts Why .... well well well (when I say good enough it means supported by what can be facts on the subject) cause as you can see facts for you is actually not what is a fact for me in every matter - maybe now you understand why I've said good enough for each one.
evolution theory is many verifiable hypotheses, containing pieces of verifiable data aka "facts".
And think about what you are saying in this sentence too ... regarding to what I'm saying about that (an hypothese is not a fact - and certainly not in the whole evolution process - otherwise believe me when any scientist will get there we will really hear about as it is a BIG DEAL)