Ninja - ROFLMAO ! Sing this one for your karaoke final just like Frank would ! OMG I can't stop laughing. Really great post.
Remember the song Make The Truth Your Own?
by pierogi 34 Replies latest jw friends
When I shared the UN/NGO thang, the Bulgarian Blood Policy, the RAND ENGINE CO> stock and a few other morsels of real food about the Watchtower Society my then JW wife (now ex-wife still JW) said:
I have made the truth my own and will never leave it.
"The way of the lie, is the worst way of living, no badder way can there be found." "Make the Poop your own, to bad way try to be prone, if your body members you explore, you'll make known that the poop is your own."
LMAO! That was hilarious, w.once!
Thanks a lot - I read this post earlier today and have had that stupid song stuck in my head all day...
Snickers and others,
Put the song "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner in your head and it will not only replace the kingdom melodies, but "Private Dancer" will then begin to erase itself and fade as well.
I'm serious; it works. (lol).
Yes I remember it... Some crap that everyone truly believes the garbage fed to them.
Actually I started changing the "flavour" of the song "We're Jehovah's witnesses" at a night out...I started singing it with a swing beat (gotta stop drinking whisky)....imagine Frank Sinatra singing it speeded up....while clicking his fingers....."men make god's of wood and stone...(trumpets) dah dah...but the true God they've not known(yeah)....he is God almightyyyyyy.. as hes often shown...(double bass) bah dum bah dum bah dum................the company I was in didnt approve....sorry at the mo I have too much time on my hands......he he...and yes I'm sober ; )
Would have loved to be a 'fly on the wall' for that one...imagine the looks on their faces! Imagine the shock waves felt throughout the congregation as news spread.....