After I was DF and seriously questioning my faith in the Org ( won't call it the truth) I gave a copy of COC to an elder I have known since I was a young man. He read it found it disturbing and said that he didn't realize problems that he found at his level of involvement went so high. I then gave him a copy of "In search of christian freedom" He never read it said that he didn't want to question his faith in the brothers. This man has two degrees so he is no dummy. Many of those on this forum were elders You would of come across things not known by the publishers that seriously challenged your faith in the Org How did you deal with it? I would imagine that many would have been very harsh on any brother that raised questions that challenged their faith in the Org The very questions they themselves were suppressing
Elders in denial?
by Bobhere 16 Replies latest jw friends
Tyrone van leyen
Talk about cognitive dissonance. I always used to think that the dangerous ones were the ones who knew nothing and just did as they were told. Higher intelligence just means a higher level of self deception. Anyone can ratrionalize and assimilate information to suit there purpose.
Tyrone van leyen
I just noticed your fairly new, so I welcome you, if I missed the opportunity to do so earlier.
I would imagine that many would have been very harsh on any brother that raised questions that challenged their faith in the Org
Yes it seems you can question God for something but questioning the Watchtower is not tolerated.
So indeed by having this sort of approach is the Watchtower placing itself above God?
All the time we were active JW's have we been worshipping the Watchtower and not God but not aware of it?
well, my view is that if you have a higher level of responsibility, you have a obligation to make sure what you teach is true. It is one thing not to have information available and quite another thing to have the information but refuse to look into it.
Before I was told that I must accept their making me into an elder, I had lots of jw's that I felt were just stupid or not friendly or helpful, and a few that tried to be but just didn't seem to fit in as they tried to be good christians. So in my denial I had very few friends in the cult and even less but more helpful friends outside of the cult. Just where the wbts wants us???
After I accepted the role of elder, I noticed even more unkind and unloving and "thoughtless" decisions and attitudes.
After I found that an elder had molested my daughter and how (the wbts and followed by the elders just wanted to sweep it under the rug) and continue on letting him function with that stupid smile on his face.
Then I found my self in confusion and anger with almost everyone. I got rid of the confusion but the anger remains to this day.
However I learned how to direct it at individuals and organizations, not everyone.
Having been raised in this cult, I was in at least some form of denial until the evil actions hit my family and it became clear that the wbts and most jw's did not care for me, my family and especially my daughter.
When I stepped out of the denial, I began to see everything in and about the wbts in a different light.
A light of honesty, reality and pragmatism, that opened a gate to the real world and released a river of lies and uncaring hateful evil demands and teachings by the wbts, that flows to each and every King Dumb Hall on this earth.
Wasanelder Once
Yep, I can tell you that it was the start of the end for me when I was appointed. I saw just what was going on. It was so unloving it was painful. I also read CoC and it felt like it was happening in my own congregation. The same sort of lying and political infighting exists everywhere. People are treated like meat and disfellowshiped without any heart involved. Ray Franz could have been seeing one of our commitees the way it read to me.
It created a great deal of resentment on my part towards those little hitlers. That's why I resigned, faded and they are now dead to me.
Trust no one.
I have a lot of contempt for the elders who know that something is rotten in the Towers, but continue to pretend the KH is a spiritual paradise.
I was an elder, but a lower class one. I did not associated with the elders much. I was ignorant about the entire workings of the org. I didn't hang around Bethelites or the eleite. I was common and so were the ones I hung around with. Ignorance is bliss.
These are mechanisms of social control set up by the FDS in order to keep the masses under control. Any criticism of the org and particularly the FDS is swiftly punished in one way or another. So many disillusioned dubs keep quiet. But even elders have left so as not to be part of the hypocrisy they are the ones after all that impose the policies of the GB at the local level. They in turn get intimidated by the COs.