I can see what you mean Crumpet, I suppose most people can find someone they can live with without too much friction if they look around enough. Of course living alone doesn't necessarily mean being lonely since friends can be invited as well as invite someone.
Living Alone - Love it or Loathe it?
by Crumpet 59 Replies latest jw experiences
I love it when it is silent and there is no one making noise, food or farting. I miss my little son-whenever we are separated and then meet up again, he is always so happy to see me that I feel guilty for loving the quiet so much. I don't think empty nesting will be hard after he goes through being a teenager. Teenagers have cured me of the need to live with other people! I like doing what I want to when I want to. Essentially selfish, but so is everyone, it is just MY way of being selfish and at least I admit it.
Yeah I know what you mean Crumpet. Nine years are more than some of us ever have.
I don't know if everyone feels this way but for me, it is like "once i found out that it is there and possible"
I want it back or over again.
I know there are other ladies I would like to love and care for, it is just that they are kinda hard to find.
Who knows? maybe yes / maybe no.
I love it. I have come close to moving in w/ ex-finance, but realized (when I started having panic attacks which I have never had in my life) that something was bothering me that I was not addressing, in the end it was the reality that I cannot live w/ another human being. I am fine w/ 2 cats, but people, I am not so good w/.
I am extremely social, but being out at a bar/club/friend's house, is very different cause you can put on your party hat and when you get home, you are yourself. Although I loved my ex-finance, I was not in love w/ him enough to want to live w/ him forever. That was when it dawned on me that I like having someone around about 3 days a week and I want the remainder to myself. He, on the other hand, wanted to be together a lot more (thus the reason he was slowly moving his stuff into my place). In the end, it did not work and we went our separate ways.
There is nothing better to me then coming home and deciding what I am in the mood to do ... which in my life NEVER translates into watching Sports Center or ESPN 24/7. Life is good.
I'm not use to it yet. I like my freedom. At times I miss the companionship...when it was good company. I am going through a transition now trying to work as much as possible. I'm going to go back to school soon as well.
There is nothing better to me then coming home and deciding what I am in the mood to do ... which in my life NEVER translates into watching Sports Center or ESPN 24/7. Life is good.
Lookingglass - I totally get that! 3 or 4 days a week is about right for me too. I get so much more done when alone, whereas with someone else I feel sort of stinted and resentful having to take into consideration what they want to do all the time.
Sad emo
Well I originally moved out to get away from my dad so it was a survival thing, but I've lived alone since and don't really mind it.
I was kind of alone even when I was at home because I wasn't permitted to speak or anything and my siblings were always off doing things so I was hardly everr around them either. Guess I've just got used to my own company.
I like living alone because for me (at this point in life) it's 'safe', I can do what I want, when I want and how I want without any real or imagined fear of disapproval and punishment.
But it's hard sometimes too, especially when there are jobs to be done and I'm struggling to motivate myself or if I've had a really crappy day and there's no-one to share/offload with.
I like living alone because for me (at this point in life) it's 'safe', I can do what I want, when I want and how I want without any real or imagined fear of disapproval and punishment.
Hey sad emo - i didnt know you lived alone up there in the wilds. Sounds like in some ways you;ve had it tough. I do understand and agree though with the above - its horrible when you imagine that you will be disapproved of for things you do. I've already moved things aroundi n my flat because Mr C on his first visit disapproved of something! You end up compromising yourself into a corner sometimes and you lose yourself and your personality.
I spend 8 months with my wife and children, and 4 month by myself, working. I love both scenerios. The family life is great. The time alone, reminds me of how much I love being at home with my Mrs, and kids.
And...how much I hate doing my own laundry.
Madame Quixote
I live with a 19-year old slob. Guess what my answer is! I just spent a week living in a spacious house with friend/clients' pets (without other people, including my daughter who stayed home). I love that solitude. It was not lonely at all. And it was really clean and tidy - no clutter. I am back home now, in my daughter's absolutely abominable mansion of a room. I love her dearly, but I hate all of her junk. I look forward to having some space, privacy, and to not worrying all the time about supporting her. Of course, there's the empty nest syndrome to concern myself with, but I think I'll get through it okay. I've always been a bit of a hermit and I am usually okay with it. Daughter is out all the time and I usually don't feel lonely when she's gone. Most of the time I don't mind being alone, although I occasionally get lonesome. But living alone is way better than having roommates. Roommates have mostly been a definite hell, for many reasons. I hope to never have another room mate again.