Are we playing there game, by having to justify ourselves, why we don't go to meetings anymore, or why we left the Org?
Do you feel as if you have to justify why you aren't JW anymore?
by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends
No but I do ocassionally have to try and justify why I ever believed any of it to myself? Why was I so stupid!
Prins Vaillant
You can't justify it, because they never accept the perspective that people really can change their vision on "the Truth". Telling them that you think they are a cult is unacceptable. So they prefer to believe that persons who leave are 'haters' of the truth, independent thinkers, lurked into Satan's snares or infidels. You can't just say them: "I feel no compulsion to join meetings again, because they bore me to death". So what do they think? You are too busy with "the things" of the world. Not seeking the Kingdom first. I sure know one thing. Don't need meetings about "hotel reservations" when nobody in the kingdom hall needs hotels. Not interested in how proclaimers can put in 15 minutes of "field service" and why the 'service committee' must meet to approve such a request. "Why are we against abortion?" In 5 minutes and 3 bible quotes further, they know all the answers on all possible subjects. Life is much more complex. No easy solutions for complex problems. Bottom line: you can't justify it! They stick to their own opinions why people leave.
Actually, it is good to develop the skills where you don't feel the need to justify yourself to anyone.
Never justify yourself. Your enemies won't believe you and your friends won't need it.--Arabic proverb
I don`t need to justify anything..It is fun to sharpen your debateing skills on this forum though..It totally mess`s up an arguementive JW..LOL!!...OUTLAW
I was gonna ask, "justify to myself or to others" but Blondie and Outlaw made excellent points...
You don't need to justify anything. You may need to be able to defend yourself, so it's good to know your subject well and stay on top of developments as they happen. Where else can you learn what's happening in the JW world quicker than here?
I've heard about new publications, new "light" and changes in procedure here well before any of my JW relatives knew about it.
Tyrone van leyen
I like that quote of Blondies. It's a keeper. Forget about justifying the doctrine. I won't even start with that, towards their closed minds. The injustice alone, stands on it's own merit. They need to justify! It's the other way around. Everything thing they teach is unnatural and can't be validated. Victims don't need to defend themselves, but the perpetrators do.
No, we justify nothing. We post to air our specific concerns, share information, help opne another and new ex-JWs ... and to stay in the face of the Watchtower ... we are not going away as exJWs did in the 1940s through the 1970s. Instead, we are going to continue as we help more leave, and help bring about civil or even criminal justice on behalf of victims of abuse. When the Society finally grows up, and becomes a good social citizen, then they will one day be left alone to belief in the less harmful views, like a paradise earth.
Jim Whitney
I've tried to justify why I'm fading. But they just look at me like 'that's a crap reason.' Afterwards I thought to myself, it's none of their business what my reasons are or even if they're valid reasons, obviously I can't say my real reasons i.e it's not the troof. When I was trying to explain they just looked so blank and I realized they really didn't understand and that they would never get it until they were out themselves. And these are my family members.
So now I just say I'm in too much pain, which is true when I',m at the meeting. That usually shuts them up.
No, I avoid that topic, even with my family. To my new Christian friends, if they happen to know that I was a Witness for years, I say simply that I left the JW religion some time ago (which is true) and I do not elaborate. If they push (and most do not), I will say that I was raised as a JW but am no longer a member of that religion. If that doesn't stop the questions, then I walk away.
I prefer to share my newfound Christianity instead.