My Boyfriend believes in ghosts "NOW"!!!

by ButtLight 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    He never really has......always comes up with an excuse for odd things happening, this time he cant!

    He lays carpet for a living. He just called me, freaking out with goosebumps!!!!

    Him and his partner are working in a house, and there are no other houses around. His partner left to go get some carpet, and my bf was there alone. He hears water running and couldnt figure out what it was. He heads into the bathroom to find both faucets in the tub turned on full blast !!!!!!!!!!!!

    He said he shut them off, and looked around, nobody was there, and no cars in the driveway!

    No way in hell I would stay there! That was the first time in 5 years, he ever told me he was scared.

  • JH

    Well, is it really abnormal for faucets to open by themselves?

  • ButtLight
    Well, is it really abnormal for faucets to open by themselves

    It took 3 full turns of each faucet to shut them off!

    Id be running with my tail between my legs!

  • JH

    Probably the valves were already open when he got there, and the main valve was shut, or the city workers opened a valve far away and the water started filling the bathtub.

    there ya go

  • ButtLight
    Probably the valves were already open when he got there, and the main valve was shut, or the city workers opened a valve

    Nope, that explanation wont work, the house is out in the country and they have a well, not city water.

    I just asked him if anything else weird happened, he said not really. I said you dont sound so sure! He said that the front door blew open 4 times

  • anewme

    Buttlight, often when a house is up for sale a prospective buyer will turn on the faucets to check for color and smell of the water, rust, and how fast they heat up. Often they are looking at the home with another person who calls them away to look at something quick (huge closet space etc)

    A former JW friend of mine was such a buyer. He looked at a two story house with his wife and loved it.
    They signed the papers and two days later came back to find the entire downstairs filled with water from the overflow of the bathtub upstairs! The husband had forgotten to shut the valves off when checking the water flow of the faucets!!!!

    The first thing they had to do when moving in was put in new flooring!!!

    It just might be a similar case with your boyfriend Butt....ya think?

  • JH
    He said that the front door blew open 4 times

    That happens often when faucets are open. It causes a back draft....

  • ButtLight
    It just might be a similar case with your boyfriend Butt....ya think?

    I will have to ask him if people are living there right now or not.

    But still, if you have well water, and say the valves in the tub were open, that means the main valve would have to be shut off. They have been there all day, it wasnt running earlier.

  • JH

    Is this the house Butt ?


  • Warlock

    My wish would be, for all those who don't believe in ghosts, to have that type of experience............................or worse, like my BIL's. They would have to change their underwear.


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