How about his guy being counseled for letting is young teen daughter walk the streets! Doesn't that put her in MORE danger than riding in a car with one of GOD'S PEOPLE - for f**ks sake!
Have got myself in a bit of trouble
by Zico 37 Replies latest jw friends
What you did was a noble and gentlemanly thing. No argument.
That JW pillock that chastised you is just another cult-driven idiot following the rules and reg's of his master. His argument has shag-all to do with scripture.
Thanks all.
It was about 9 when I was driving home, not that late, but it was still dark. It's also a very safe area, but then obviously bad things can still happen in safe areas. On the drive back I did ask her where she'd been (just making conversation) and she'd been at another JW's house with her friend about her age. I did wonder why her father or the other parent's weren't taking her home, but I didn't ask her. None of my business.
I'm not that bothered about him not wanting me to take his daughter home, I am annoyed about him wanting to get the elders involved, as it should have nothing to do with them, since it's non-biblical, but then I suppose that's my fault for reacting in the wrong way. I don't really care that much about them talking to me, as long as they don't disfellowship me, I don't care what they do, but I still do want to defend myself, and I just wanted to confirm my defence was sound. :)
I've never discussed his 'chaperone' issues with him before, it hadn't even occured to me that he'd react to this. I think he felt I should have known, since the chaperone thing is either a Society rule, or perhaps just a big thing in my Congregation. -
You wont remember the old song in the 60s "Wake Up Little Susie"
"Wake up little Susie, we gotta go home!"
The story of a young man with an under age gf who wind up talking in his car late at night after a
movie. They both fall asleep until the morning!!!! Yikes!!!!! What will her father say? What will the neighbors say???
Young people have gotten themselves into questionable situations which raise eyebrows for thousands of years!
It is good advice not to be alone with a minor without the consent of his/her parents. -
I am annoyed about him wanting to get the elders involved
Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that Jehovah does hate; yes, seven are things detestable to his soul: 17 lofty eyes, a false tongue, and hands that are shedding innocent blood, 18 a heart fabricating hurtful schemes, feet that are in a hurry to run to badness, 19 a false witness that launches forth lies, and anyone sending forth contentions among brothers
Nathan Natas
I apologize if I "step on" anyone else's comments - I read your introductory mesage and hit "reply."
For the "chaperone" issue - WHERE IS IT WRITTEN? WHAT SCRIPTURE?
This is a "tradition of men" and this is clearly a case where such traditional rules break down.
Does Brother Daddy prefer that his daughter get a lift from some predator?
What a jerk Brother Daddy is.
He should either shake your hand and thank you or charge you with rape, which he will have to prove in a court of law.
Luvnau said,
If they are so concerned about her.........what was she doing in the first place by herself
Don't worry about any trouble with the elders. As another poster stated, they will only counsel you on why you should be chapperoned. Probably nothing new that you have not allready heard.
As for the father, he was probably angry at the moment and did what he thought he should. Don't forget fathers are usually very protective of their daughters.
In my opinion, you did what a true gentleman would do. You offered a lady (regardles of age, I will call her a lady) a ride home. Per your text, that was your only thought and objective. It is a shame that people are not trusted more than they are.
I once offered two young sisters a ride home and was repremanded severely for it. It was in the middle winter and snowing. The sisters (both spiritually and actual sisters) were 17 and 19. When I asked the elders if it was wrong during a snow storm to offer a woman a ride they responded "YES, you are wrong !"
Jesus told us to love everyone and by giving some one a ride, no matter what the honorable reason is, that is love towards your neighbor.
Well Zico you certainly won't get Df'd for it. That would be beyond stupid on their part.
I know my husband would never in my daughters lifetime let her walk home alone. As long as my husband and I are alive our daughter would have a ride home. That father should have asked his daughter to call him for a ride home. That man should be thanking you.
If I were you I would tell the elders that you are in fact quite stumbled that her father is implying bad motives regarding your intentions. and you expect an apology from him. Let's see him eat crow on that one.
All this hassel and you were just trying to do a good deed. I agree with Warlock, let them walk next time.
It just shows you how petty some people are, surely he has more inportant things to worry about then a brother saving his young daughter having to walk home. It's not even as if she was the same age as you. Small people with small minds is what I say.
I hope he doesn't take this any further, it will be interesting to see what happens next though.
I have to admit, I was being an ass,
And so was he.