Thanks for your comments. I wrongly assumed that most of the folks on the board thought that God had worked through the modern day "Organization" and I now appreciate that is not the case.
Regarding your question about when God was using a human organization, I feel that the tenets that Russell taught regarding hell, the soul, the trinity and the ransom show God's spirit operating upon him both to enable his understanding of these matters and spreading this information to others. In my opinion I would say that clearly God used him and his limited organization from the 1870s to about 1913 or so. Additionally I feel that God also used men like Martin Luther, Tyndale, Calvin and others to keep "truth" alive.
After 1914, the failed prophecy regarding 1914 has caused additional failed prophecies and a grasping at straws of truth with very little new understanding. So if there is an apostacy it occurs after 1914 in my mind.
Certainly the scriptures you reference prove that God can and does work with individuals. However, it seems to me that he has used groups of individuals to dessimate truth. I realize I am biased in this regard given my enjoyable experiences within the congregation I attend (at least the good outweighs the bad). It seems that the bad that many on this forum have experienced far out weighs the good possibly causing a bias as well.
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter and I will write more later.