Less then two years ago my cousin, who was then 39, was working on his parents home and found he was having a hard time hammering in nails. He would hit the nail, but as hard as he would try, he would end up making it crocked and he could not control it. He thought this was weird, and decided to visit a doctor. The doctor thought he might be just dealing with some issues of balance, and decided to test for things anyway. It turned out he tested positive to Lou Garrett Disease, which is basically MS on steroids. It works at about five times the speed and is 100% fatal.
My cousin was a chemist at a chemical plant in Houston Texas, had a wife and adopted daughter. He went from being a strong man of 38 to a man who could hardly lift a finger in less then two years. Finally last week, he decided to stop eating and Hospice served his needs and let him pass away last Wednesday. He was my oldest cousin, and we have not been in touch much as we grew older. He lived in Texas and I lived in Oregon, and since my parents divorce and grandparents death, the family just did not get together as much as they used too. It is too bad really, that we all grow apart so easily.
Anyway, ever know anyone who died from this or has it. It is scary how quickly it works and how much it destroys your body. The odd thing is, know one knows what causes it. Some say genetics, some environment, and other think it might be something passed as a virus. It just works so fast, that people do not see it coming and they are often gone before it can be studied enough. There is one theory though, that it might be triggered by Lyme Disease. Which is something my sister is fighting right now. It is just too bad, and we will miss him. They did a simple service, but this is just how life goes some times. You just never think, when you are younger, that one day you will know or be related to someone who dies of Lou Garrett Disease. It is just so rare.