I've been thinking about this a lot, because I've chosen to fade and I would NEVER refer to myself as a Jdub, but I've read postings from others who do. If you do, how come? I would have written a letter a year ago but I've got older parents who are upset enough about me just not attending. On another thread someone is also leaving and they were advised to tell the JC to do whatever, to not acknowledge that they have any authority. I just don't want to be counted as inactive or considered to be a dub in any way shape or form!
If You've Faded, Do You Still Consider Yourself a Dub?
by brunnhilde 28 Replies latest jw friends
Same here.
I would write a letter but I have good reasons not to. I consider myself as an ex-witness with no interest at all now. The cong probobly still think I will come back one day.
No chance.
Negative! I'm sure I still have some borg residue, but I consider myself apostate
If you are inactive you are not part of the statistics either locally or internationally. They keep the cards and supposed call on the inactive (even the da'd and df'd) once a year usually around the memorial.
The WTS has said that if you do no speak about God (translation: turn in a time slip), you are not considered at witness for "Jehovah." Some on JWD consider themselves Christians as opposed to JWs, seeing that is what Jesus' followers were called (not JWs).
*** w57 2/15 p. 114 How Jehovah’s Witnesses View Their Ministry ***
Being one of Jehovah’s witnesses means more than saying, ‘I am one of Jehovah’s witnesses.’ Are you witnessing? Regularly? All physically able have the responsibility to preach publicly and from house to house, as did Jesus, and in addition take advantage of all opportunities to witness to friends, neighbors, etc., while the physically infirm are privileged to witness to visitors, write letters, make telephone calls, and in other ways share in giving the mighty witness. Without exception each witness of Jehovah is aware of his obligations in this regard, as set out in Ezekiel 3:17-21. If one does not witness, he is not one of Jehovah’s witnesses
Sam Beli
No, especially if I have to go to the hospital!
Not just no but Hell No!
I also don't consider myself christian either therefore I don't consider myself apostate. Those words have no meaning for me anymore. I don't like labels and I try not to use them even though I honor that others do.
Technically I am an x-jw (fader). But I don't identify with even that.
I just identify with the moment of today. I identify with being freeeeee .... yippeeeeee !!!!!!!!
Absolutely not! And if I thought I was considered that in any way, I would write a letter to set it straight.
I do NOT consider myself a JW anymore. I'm sure that the congretation and my JW friends (the ones who still talk to me) think that I'll be back to the KH one day. There is not a snowball's chance in Hades of that happening.
No I don't, not since I was a teenager have I considered myself a "witness".