There was an interesting program on BBC's newsnight about the recently released UNICEF report on child well-being. The UK came bottom of the list with Scandanavian countries and the Netherlands top. This report comes after another list placing the UK 37th in the best countries to live in the world, below such places as Latvia and Panama (no offence to those respective countries but we in the UK, maybe being delusional, expect to be higher)
UNICEF report -
Is the UK going down the pan? Are there any political answers to this or is it down to personal responsibility?
One thing the government has done is devalue the working class. Apprenticeships and vocational qualifications for those without academic skills have been scrapped in favour of getting students into university to comply with arbitrary figures for the number of students in further education. This is despite many courses having very little educational and work related value.
We now have a position where we don't have enough skilled workers and have to employ people from eastern Europe and Poland. Businesses argue that UK workers don't want to do manual work but this isn't strictly true. Workers would do manual work if they were valued as a useful part of the workforce and not looked down on. If carpententry, plumbing, construction skills were given the same priorities as academic courses it would give kids taking up those skills a sense of self esteem about what they do. Even cleaners, factory staff and fruit pickers etc need a change of status. UK Workers are reticent to do these jobs not because they find the work in itself repulsive but because it very rarely pays a living wage and the amount of snobbery towards that type of work. One thing in the UNICEF report that struck was that countries like the Czech Rep. scored better not because it was more affluent but because there was more parity in their culture and a more equal distribution of income so people felt better about themselves. It seems lots of kids in the UK feel out of place in society and pessimistic about what their future holds due to their perceived worth in the community and the nullifying of their personal ambitions to comply with government guidelines.
That's only a small part of the equation and there are probably more important factors. What are your thoughts?